Conversation Between JZfs720 and Ashley Jacob

Conversation Between JZfs720 and Ashley Jacob

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Wow, were you company IronWoman then? Thats pretty impressive hang. I have started to do the actual pullups too as I am doign the P90X workout program right now, so that should improve my hang time then as well. Thanks! Ashley
  2. it's mostly mental. In boot, on my final PFT it was up to 207 seconds. I sing the Marine Corps Hymn. I think 4 verses (just sing the 1st verse over and over) is 100 seconds. But doing actual pull-ups does wonders
  3. Thanks!! I see you have a 102 hang!!??! wow, thats wicked awesome! How did you build up to that?? Ashley
  4. Good luck. Good to see another female joining my family
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4