Conversation Between ABrevik and montana

Conversation Between ABrevik and montana

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Damn, that's a fast promotion there lol. Yea, my Grandfather was in Vietnam. He was a mustang but got promoted to Capt (Army) fairly quickly I beleive. He earned a Silver Star for saving Marines lives during a enemy mortar attack.
  2. story goes...the Corps can only be a certan size during peace time....vietnam wasnt a was a police action...the gooks were killing a lot more of us then they could make they made them as they were needed...hell i was plt sgt of a combat plt for a week...go figure...the plt sgt was acting Lt...cuz we didnt have one
    oh ya i was in more then a year...was 18 months...was sgt in 14 months, cpl in 13..lcpl in 10
  3. I guess it was alot different during your time in the Corps though.
  4. was combat promotions....have to ask owr Lt. and the Top...why they felt i needed stripes....hell all i wanted to do was walk point and kill gooks.
  5. What about TIS and TIG requirements?
  6. i was a suck up....go figure???
  7. How is it that you were in for only one year and obtained the rank of Sergeant?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7