Conversation Between MARINECID and Jordanvance

Conversation Between MARINECID and Jordanvance

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Jordan, you can enlist as long as you are currently enrolled and presently attended college. The enlistment code would be 'M'. You would be in the DEP until you finished your credits. You have to complete your credits within 270 days to qualify for this code.
  2. Hi,
    I would like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind. It just seems I have gotten at least twelve different answers on this and I am just really looking for some truth. I have been preparing for Boot camp for the last few months still not knowing what my outcome may be. While I am sure you are asked this Question many times I hope you can shed some light on my situation. I have a GED And I am going to college this fall, I know that I need to have fifteen hours (credits), but my question is.
    Once i have enrolled in college and have started class, can I go to my recruiter and enlist at this time, going to Boot Camp after my fifteen credits are achieved like a DEP?? Or must I finish my fifteen credits before I am able to enlist?? Any information you can give me to get me to a truth on this matter would be greatly appreciated..

    thanks In advance
  3. Sorry tried to send it twice...
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