Conversation Between Endurance89 and MarinesFTW

Conversation Between Endurance89 and MarinesFTW

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I wont lie man, I really dropped the ball on that, I seriously havn't had an open sunday for months...
  2. what's going on, my friend? I have been waiting to graduate too LOL. See you in the poolee chat room tomorrow?
  3. FFFFFUUUCCCKKK YYYEEEAAAHHHH!!! Welcome home man!!! I've been waiting for your ass to graduate congrats, I cant wait to leave..
  4. Hey thanks man! I will ask Captial M, he seems to have a good head. I'm sorry I havn't been there lately but alot of things have been going on with the fam. Good luck at Boot Camp man, just remember, the fastest way to get home is to graduate. Now go earn that title!!!
  5. Hey man. Wanted to let you know that your time to be the lead in the Poolee discussions is close at hand. I will most likely not be on this Sunday--- shipping out. I suggest you get a second who can be there when you can't. I would vouch for PoolieKey and Capital M.

    Thanks for being my second.
  6. Thanks for being there to help me out.
  7. Dont worrie, I should be there on time unless my Mom throws some random hissy fit..
  8. I might be about 15 mins late this evening, I am unsure whether or not my old lady is going to want me to get groceries after work.
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