Conversation Between wilsontc11 and the802

Conversation Between wilsontc11 and the802

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah kinda tall, black hair, goofy looking guy
  2. was he a big guy? black hair, talked alot? and sorry if you had to pull pits with him lol, he wasnt the hardest of workers
  3. Yep, same kid. I had tower duty with him and I worked the pits right next to him.
  4. He had portholes, but he never wore them (atleast in our platoon).
  5. If its the kid im thinking of, he had portholes.... I had tower duty with him at the range.
  6. lol, it figures that he would be well known in your Co... do you know if he graduated? I remember having to carry his rifle more than he did because he was on light duty so much
  7. Naw, I think he was in follow series
  8. Hey Devil Dog, congrats on earning the title. Did you happen to have a drop named Chris Stewart in your platoon? if so, he was my rack mate.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8