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  1. nelsonrj's Avatar
    nelsonrj-About a Marine not being allowed a Tat is Bull S..t. In Staging Bat., in Pendleton , half my company got " Gung Ho " tattoos before we shipped out to Nam. It's always been a right of passage and Pride in the Corps. This is another sign of what this country is becoming,a country of don't hurt me P..ssies. From the lowest Pvt. to the SgtMg of the Corps, Marines have given their lives in hopeless conflicts to protect their Corporate asses while there kids party in collage.Why does the Best Fighting Force in the world go along with this "Political Correct Bull Sh.t.It almost doesn't make me proud to be an American.
  2. HiDezMarine's Avatar
    Bull**** is right.I remember when my son enlisted,the recruiter at the desk next to us disqualled a guy for having tats.The ironic thing was the recruiter had sleeves.
  3. Old Marine's Avatar
    It is not the fault of the Marine Corps that you elected to get out and now two weeks later they will not let you back in. Just saying.
  4. platoon2011's Avatar
    I was a female marine recruit close to graduation, who suffered a few injuries without disclosing much of detail, and the marines took no responsibility for treatment. I was not offered a medical discharge. and there was no accident investigation written up, however being a marine I still trained on crutches with all my gear, all i had left was the crucible. needless to say i believe in honoring our country, and sacrifice, and they ripped my nametags off my uniform and let me keep them. There was so much neglect the injuries led to a rare neurological disease and its spread all over my body. i had to contact a congressman recently to now investigate all the neglect. Fight for your rights that you are entitled to and don't give up the hope. I have friends who have served in Vietnam that are suffering terribly from Agent Orange. The government will try to screw, but you have to fight back, they can't discriminate against you. Thank you for serving and fighting for our freedmom which so many Americans neglect our troops. Keep the faith alive, and fight them back.
  5. DESwiger's Avatar
    Marine! I too tried and was turned away, but just because our government elects to not reenlist our services, changes nothing. ONCE A MARINE, ALWAYS A MARINE - refers to commoradery, faithfulness to espre de corps and to our selfs. No one can take that away from you but you. Semper Fi!
  6. BigDAVE84's Avatar
    Guess not
  7. Old Marine's Avatar
    Maybe you screwed the pooch by getting out instead of re-enlisting after your first hitch. I'm guessing that the Corps regulations have changed since you were active the 1st time.

    The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.
  8. BigDAVE84's Avatar
    I understand where you are coming from completely, but unfortunately I got all of my tattoos before I even joined the Marine Corps, and got waivers to join the first time but was not allowed back in afterwards. Which too me just seems ignorant. It just hurts to know that I can't continue to serve my country on the basis that I have tattoos on my arms
  9. Old Marine's Avatar
    I do not think the issue is because a person has a couple of tatoos. I'm sure the issue is that the Corps does not want their Marines to look like they belong in carnival when they are in uniform.

    When you were AD I guess you never heard that the Corps has regulations for tatoos. I am assuming that you got all tatooed up after leaving the Corps and now it looks like there are some regrets.

    Don't blame the Corps for your mistakes.