View Full Version : Question about deployment for reservists.

08-03-10, 05:21 PM
Hello Marines, I just had a couple questions regarding deploying as a reservist, but first some background:

The unit I have contracted with is currently on deployment, and will be back around the time I finish training. My recruiter has told me in the past that I can deploy if I want to but they won't take me from my unit unless I seek out a deployment.

I am not worried about being deployed, I signed up expecting it, and in a way I want to, to really experience what its all about. But, I wont seek out a deployment with another unit, I have a great job, and a wife who is already worried enough, I just want to be there for the Corps if I'm needed.

Lately though a few people have told me that I will likely be deployed with another unit, and the whole "only if you choose" was just a recruiter line. Now if that's the case, I'm fine with it, like I said above, kind of want to, and want to be there to answer the call when needed, but I need to explain to my wife that me being deployed is practically given, rather than unlikely, as I previously thought.

So, my question is, as a reservist, can you be deployed with another unit, or as a replacement for a unit in country, without seeking the opportunity out?

I know this sounds like some wannabe reservist who doesn't want to deploy, not the case, I just want to get some planning down, its about time for kids for my wife and I, and buying a house, and I just want to know my situation and what I should anticipate and plan for.

Thanks Marines

Do reservists ever get deployed separately from their unit without seeking out the deployment?

08-03-10, 07:15 PM
It completely depends on the unit (some units have all deployments as volunteer/voluntold deployments at regular intervals with the current op-tempo, while others follow a firm schedule). What MOS are you going for?

If a unit is seeking volunteers as the new guy who no deployments you are most likely to be "voluntold" to go with them. IE, even though it is technically volunteer, your name will find its way onto that roster. If you have a wife and kids, you may be able to get bumped down in preference (seen it happen before).

I'd give a LOT of thought to joining with a wife and kids, but that's just my 2 cents. I'd also heavily recommend the 4 year reserve contract. No you won't get the old GI bill, but if you deploy you will get the same benefits with the post 9-11 as everyone else, and you can always extend later.

Feel free to ask any questions


08-03-10, 07:48 PM
Thank you for the response, I'm going in as 0341, so I realize that's a MOS that has a possibility of deployment. I don't have kids yet, I just want to double check my likelihood of deployment before I start trying to have kids, just in case something would happen to me.

Sgt Leprechaun
08-03-10, 11:51 PM
It's a given you'll deploy. IF needed, you *can* be FAP'd to another reserve unit, but the majority of the time, those slots are filled with volunteers.

However, it's a matter of not 'if' but 'WHEN' you will deploy.