View Full Version : Making a difference

Captain Kirk
07-18-10, 06:11 AM
My friend Vince and his wife Marry send me these almost every day. They are all good and many of them really hit me.

I have been battling Bronchitis and Pneumonia for the last month and found myself beginning to feel defeated, tired, run down, negative, just wanting to sleep. I even entertained the notion of death as a comfort. The Doctor told me yesterday morning that he was going to hospitalize me Tuesday if I was not dramatically better.

Those who know me well know I'm a highly optimistic individual, very high energy, a Type AA++ personality. But I found myself slipping into feelings of defeat.

As I read these last night I knew what I had to do! I dropped to the floor , fell on my face and began to pray; At first it was the prayer of someone who was just hanging on; then as the Holy spirit began to rise within me I found myself praying with more boldness and confidence. This morning I awoke feeling better than I had felt in a month. No coughing, congestion, strong respiration and just feeling great!

What changed?

Same medication I have been taking for a month. Same environment, same food, same people.

I just decided enough was enough! Now I surrender to the Lord, now I cry out for his wisdom, now I gain strength from his word, now I gain boldness as his Spirit rises within me, Now I began to stand boldly upon his promises, now I claim the victory that the Father made my covenant.

Now I feel the healing power of God begin to radiate through me. Now I feel excited, bold victorious and the symptoms begin to diminish.

Proverbs 15:13 A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Proverbs 18:14 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength – Nehemiah 8:10

Thank you Jesus for Joy! Heeling follows Faith and Faith follows Joy.

Enjoy these motivating quotes and May God bless you with Joy, Faith and Health, and may your days be long and may you leave a mark on this world that bears Jesus Fingerprint.


You can worry about tomorrow and by so doing lose today forever. Or you can work for tomorrow and as a result you'll keep the value of today with you always.
You can worry about what others think of you, and by so doing lose their respect. Or you can work in the service of your highest and best vision and others will beg to follow in your footsteps.

You can worry about making a living and by so doing have no time left in which to live. Or you can work to create real, lasting value and experience fulfillment in every moment.

You can worry and be afraid, and by so doing you'll give power and substance to your fears. Or you can choose to be bold and live each moment in freedom and fulfillment.

Whatever you're worried about, your worry will get you nowhere. When you feel the urge to worry about life, use that energy instead to live it fully, and reap its many magnificent rewards.

"People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget how you made them feel"

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Your time to live

You were born to make a difference. Now is when you can.

For a long time you have wanted to move beyond the troubles
And shortcomings that have been hounding you. Now you can
Take action and begin to do just that.

Now is when you can create new and lasting value for your
World, for yourself and for those around you. Now is when
You can transform your most deeply held dreams and values
From vision into reality.

Now is when you can make decisions and take action. Now is
When you have the ability to get whatever results you set
Out to achieve.

On this day, in this moment, you can learn from the mistakes
Of the past and make the positive changes that will take you
To where you most would like to be. Now is your chance to
Put all you have to its highest and best use.

Now is when your future begins, and now is when you can do
Something about it. This is the moment, this is the day, and
Now is your time to live.

Ralph Marston

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This is the Daily Motivator email edition.
Copyright (C) 2010 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All rights reserved.
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Of more than 3,000 daily messages, inspirational photos and more.
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"People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget how you made them feel"

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