View Full Version : American Cry Babies

09-13-03, 08:48 AM
American Cry Babies

by Dr. M. Sidney Wallace

Normally this column is written to ridicule the utter stupidity of some
in our political system. Everyday I find more cases of supposedly
intelligent individuals wanting to have idiots to lead them. Unfortunately, some read my words and my satire goes right over their head. Well, this column has been written straight forward to allow my points to be crystal clear and not misunderstood.

I am disgusted with the soft American cry babies who are more interested
in their personal pleasures than the over all good and future of their once
great nation. Our President has repeatedly told the nation that the war
on terrorism was not going to be easy or short. His speeches are very
reminiscent of some of the speeches made by President Roosevelt in 1941
just after Pearl Harbor.

Both presidents spoke plainly and told the American people straight out
that the wars were for the total and complete survival of the United State of
America. The Democrat President Roosevelt had to easily identified
enemies, Socialist Germany and Imperialistic Japan. The Republican opposition gladly joined him with unanimous support. There was no United Nations and the total burden fell squarely on the United States as it does not!

Today, Republican President George Bush has four identified enemies -
Moslem terrorist who wish to return the world to the twelfth century, European socialist, American Socialist, and the American news media.

In 1941, all Americans came together and volunteered by the millions to
fight for a way of life that had proven to be the most productive in the
history of the world. Hundreds of thousands of young men and women gave their futures and lives to fight for the United States of America.

Just sixty years later, in 2003, the American news media is constantly
crying about how poorly the American Army is managing the rebuilding of
the nation of Iraq. There is not a single evening news broadcast that does
not highlight a death, or failure in the desert of Iraq. These reports are in
direct contrast to the reports received each day from the 101st Airborne,
in Mosul, Iraq. (http://www.gulf1.com/Military/All/0908a.htm and

The second rate European Socialists are extremely eager to support initiative that diminishes the stature of the United States in the world,
and the Democrat Socialist Party is only eager to get on board with them.

In the 1940's young Americans were dying by the thousands. However,
America persisted forward in their relentless march to victory. The American people made tremendous sacrifices on the home front to assure total victory.

The military victory took over 4 years and then the rebuilding of France,
Germany, and Japan took another 10 years before they were anywhere near able to produce their own toilet paper!

In 2003, American are being told that they do not need to suffer any hardships. The new American socialists are simply trying to destroy the goose that laid the golden egg from within. The will to be great has
been bleached out of the American character. Americans are constantly told that they do not need to sacrifice if they do not want to. The old are told that they have earned the right to have their government take care of their every need. The young are told that the nation is rich enough to provide for their every need. The socialists of both parties, along with the
liberal journalists, are steadily beating the drums saying that the government should solve all their problems, "Immediately."

World War II is reduced to a 60 minute black and white film on the
History Channel. What is missed is the fact that millions gave their lives over the decade of fighting and winning the peace for the next fifty years.

In this war for America's survival will last a lot longer than 60 minutes
and there will be no commercial breaks.

Comments to msw@gulf1.com

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Were it not for the brave,
there would be no Land of the Free!
Remember our POW/MIA's
I'll never forget!

