View Full Version : Lasik

01-29-10, 09:50 AM
Good day all,

My son signed up, getting physical next week - we're all so exited and looking forward to the journey. I've searched this topic on this site and others and honestly, there's quite a bit of info out there, much of it contradictory. So, I'll ask the question my own way and take the "pokes" for not searching hard enough!

My son wants to go into field that requires "correctable to 20/20". Wearing glasses/contacts is not an option while training or duty. So, Lasik has been discussed. I've read: do it before joining, do it after joining, Marines will pay if after, Marines won't pay if after, you'll need a waiver, you'll have to wait a year to join after having it done....... all from "reliable" sources! It's a complicated topic I think and rules change, so I'm not complaining.

So, let me approach from a different angle. I'll find out today if my son is a candidate for Lasik. Assume YES for now. He doesn't want to wait a year to join, AND he won't need the 20/20 for almost a year after joining. That said - let's assume he wants to apply for Recon or similar that requires 20/20. THE QUESTION - is it a legitimate contract request, to "allow" him to get Lasik while in the Corps, when it's time to apply for his advanced training? Are their permuations or options around this particular approach you might suggest? Where else might I look for more information?

I don't mind doing the work - What I've done thus far however, has lead me here!

Lisa 23
01-29-10, 03:37 PM
In my opinion, he should wait until he's gotten through boot camp, MCT/SOI training and his MOS school.....basically when he gets into the fleet.
He may or may not be able to get a waiver approved if he gets it done before he enlists. And why go through all the trouble of getting it done before he goes off to boot camp, wait.....and then only to be told he can't enlist after the procedure.

Elias B
01-29-10, 11:09 PM
If you live in California know this, no recruiter within CA is taking waivers, no not one (I have spoken to 4 different districts). Anyone that is attempting to join the Marines and requires a waiver, you’re flat out of luck.

There so many people out theirs trying to join the Marines, because the state of the economy that recruiter are just sitting back and working with those recruits who have a clean record and no issue.

So don't make it harder on yourself, by putting up obstacles that might require you to get a doctor’s note or worse rejection all together.

Good luck and God bless[/font]

Also please read my post about my son wanting to join the Marines at 16 yr. old, a long and hard fought journey.

01-30-10, 06:00 AM
Definitely wait. They'll most likely need a waiver if they get Lasik, and like Elias said, recruiters are being picky these days.

If you don't mind me asking, what type of job will contacts/glasses not be a viable option?

01-30-10, 09:39 AM
Thanks for all the responses. Sounds like waiting is the way to go.

The job - he's very interested (at this time) in Recon/Scout Sniper at some point in his career. My reading led me to believe "perfect" eyes were required. If I'm wrong - I'll accept the input!

Lisa 23
01-30-10, 09:56 AM
Dont' know if you read these or not......

Marine Corps Enlisted Job Descriptions
MOS 0317 - - Scout Sniper

Type of MOS (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/enlistedjo2/a/mosdef.htm) : NMOS
Rank (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/theorderlyroom/l/blenlrank.htm) Range: GySgt to LCp1
Job Description: The scout sniper is a marine skilled in field craft and marksmanship who delivers long range, precision fire on selected targets from concealed positions in support of combat operations. They have a secondary mission of gathering information for intelligence purposes. They participate in activities designed to deny the enemy freedom of movement by targeting enemy leaders, crew- served weapons operators, radiomen, observers, messengers, and other key personnel with precision fire. Scout snipers engage vital material targets such as command and control equipment, light armored vehicles, air defense radar, and missile launchers that require precision rifle fire to neutralize. Scout snipers also conduct close reconnaissance and surveillance operations for the infantry battalion in support of the intelligence section.

Job Requirements:
(1) Must have a minimum GT Score (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/enlistedjo2/a/asvab.htm) of 100 or higher.
(2) Must be currently qualified as an expert rifleman.
(3) Possess all the essential qualifications and capabilities of an infantry Marine.
(4) Must have vision correctable to 20/20 in both eyes. Color blindness is discouraged.
(5) Must have a current First Class PFT.
(6) Have no history of mental illness.
(7) Must be eligible to receive a secret security (http://usmilitary.about.com/cs/generalinfo/a/security.htm) classification. (8) Successful completion of an approved Scout Sniper Basic Course at Quantico, or at the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Marine Division.


Scout Sniper

Phantom Blooper
01-30-10, 09:58 AM
I am agreeing with the waiting for Lasik...

In todays Marine Corps the less waivers the better...

What I am not understanding if the eyesight can be correctable 20/20 for Recon with corrective lenses...until Lasik is performed...why can't he still try out for Recon?

In my day we had Recon/Snipers that wore spectacles and had inserts for gas masks like all other Marines.

Unless things have changed...I am not understanding.

Again... I have been out of the mainstream for years.....so this may be something that has changed.

Good luck to your son and you in your journey to the Marine Corps!:evilgrin:

01-30-10, 10:08 AM
Pretty sure the only folks that have to HAVE 20/20 vision as opposed to having "correctable to 20/20" would be pilots. I've worked with some Recon folks before who were wearing glasses.

01-30-10, 10:32 AM
Just wanted to mention that there is no guarantee that upon having Lasik that ones vision will be 20/20 or that after the procedure if it is initially restored to 20/20 that it will remain there. Speaking from "family" experience ...

The very best to your son ...

01-30-10, 11:38 AM
Yes - Lasik not 100% guarantee for sure.

Yes - I did see the quals for Recon/SS - that's where I got the impression, and from posts (but I may have read wrong) that vision needed to be correctable to 20/20, meaning can be "fixed" to that level. If I'm wrong on that, wahoo!

As for other quals - the "smarts" stuff not worried about as he's probably the smartest person I know "book wise". His scores on ASVAB and GT are very high. The physical/mental/aptitude/attitude/contribution part...... well that's up to him. And don't think for a second I'm downplaying that. THAT very conversation is the one we've had most. Sort of starts like, "Son, I'm not a marine, but let me be sure you understand.........."

I can help him before he boards the bus, but after that, it's all on him.

Phantom Blooper
01-30-10, 05:26 PM
I can help him before he boards the bus, but after that, it's all on him.


I know the reference you are using for the bus....taking him to the recruit depot... I believe.....

But this is true also in life.....on the first days of school when a kindergärtner or for us older ones a first grader boards the school bus for the first time.....you can lead them to the bus...put them on the bus....but once they get off the bus and into the school house it is totally up to them to graduate and pursue a career or be the valedictorian and go beyond.....or stay on the bus for a free ride.

Even though in your eyes he is still and always will be your "boy" when he gets off that bus ride he will be on the ride of his life to be a "Man" and a Marine.

He will do well...it sounds like he was raised well.

Good luck!:evilgrin:

Phantom Blooper
01-30-10, 08:08 PM

Sorry abot the "Mom" when it should have been "Dad".:beer:


01-31-10, 07:18 AM
HA!!!!! ;)

No worries - these days I'm trying to worry about important stuff. I thank you for your response!