View Full Version : Composite Score Confusion

2ndGen Marine
12-25-09, 02:48 AM
Okay, here's my problem. I can't find a composite score formula online to calculate my composite score on paper. "Why not go to MOL?" you might ask. Well, MOL is the reason I want to do it on paper to begin with.

Everyone Compsite Score Calulator I enter my scores in say I should have a 1575. But my official score says I have a 1616. Further more, it's saying that during the next quarter, my score is going to jump from a 1616 to an 1805.

Now, we've knocked around the notion that this is happening because MOL is adding the PFT and CFT scores together, but if that were the case, shouldn't my composite score be equal to 1616 if I remove one of the two scores? I've tried removing the PFT score and I've tried separately removing the CFT score and neither add up to 1616. They're both below. Normally, I wouldn't care, but the difference means whether or not I'm picking up Corporal in a few days.

I'm to understand that in most MOSs, Corporal isn't too big of an achievement, (Not to take anything away from NCOs that have worked hard and put in their time, this is just what I'm told) but lately in the Military Police Field, it's been hell trying to get through the NCO ranks. To pick up Cpl this month is a 1687 and to pick up Sgt, 1870. I know LCpls with Good Conduct Medals. I've been a Lance ever since boot camp so my cutting score is normally marginally higher than that of the other Marines who came in around the same time I did. I'm really ready to step up into the NCO ranks. If someone could help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

The sooner, the better.

12-25-09, 03:12 AM
Ignore MOL and the ridiculously high scores it spits out, its broke. The formula for the cutting score is the same its always been, just that your GMP score adds the CFT and divides by 3, when before rifle and PFT divided by 2 to get your score.

Remember to input TIG and TIS through the end of the quarter, not the beginning, and it should work out to what its supposed to be