View Full Version : Reservist Promotions

10-08-09, 12:31 AM
My question is how long does it take to get promoted to corporal. In all fairness I do understand it varies from person to person but, I had a friend who was a reservist for six years before being promoted to corporal, and this is after he did two tours. I was curious to know if this is normal or, could something else have delayed his promotion.

Also, I am currently trying to finish up some school to be able to join and, I should be concerned with earning the title before thinking about promotions. I only ask out of curiosity and most other questions I have had were answered through use of the search tool.

Thank You to any and all Marines willing to spare a few moments to share their knowledge on the subject with me.

10-08-09, 12:33 AM
it depends. from E-1 to E-3 is all time. Once you hit E-3:

get 1st class pft
do well on rifle qual
take some classes on MarineNet
volunteer for events.

you should be able to pick up corporal pretty fast.

and it also depends on you unit's needs. If there's 50 Lcpls and 20 Cpls and you do everything listed you should be put up for promotion pretty fast.

10-08-09, 12:38 AM
Thank you for the information.