View Full Version : VMGR-686 and VMGR-852

Sergeant M
08-25-09, 06:22 PM
The Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum, the Marines Corps only aviation
museum is looking for information about some patches donated to the museum.
The Patches are VMGR-686 and VMGR-852. We have no information about these
units or "dets". If anyone has any information about the history of these
patches I would be very grateful.
Semper Fi

08-26-09, 05:47 PM
Well they 'should be' a C-130 aircraft squadron.

But no such squadrons existed between 1978 - 1982, which was the period I served, so I'm unaware of any such squadrons.

VMGR-152, VMGR-252, VMGR-352 and the reserve squardon VMGR-452 were the only C-130 squadrons in my day.

Sergeant M
08-26-09, 05:54 PM
Those same squadrons exist now. I was thinking that it was perhaps a det patch, maybe even a tail number. I've flown in the Marine Corps' first C-130 (573), though it is now retired. Still one of the best flying legacies we had until it went to the graveyard.

08-26-09, 06:09 PM
VMGR-686 is the last insigna on the page.

I still don't know what aircraft it might be, but there it is.


08-27-09, 06:42 PM
VMGR-686 = VMGR-234 and 452 combined in Turkey for Operation Northern Watch. It seems pretty clear looking at the patch.

11-11-11, 10:25 AM
I might be wrong, been a couple years since I was there, but VMGR 852 sounds like it was referring to when VMGR's 234, 352, and 452 were all at Al Asad together in a sort of "super squadron". The patch we wore combined the 3 individual patches from each squadron with the colors being black and white. I'm pretty sure we gave one to the historians that visited us one time, who knows what they did with it though. Hope this helps.

11-12-11, 12:31 AM

Can anyone give me a reply for it:-
_____________ Is usually the best web page to get linked to while receiving a themed in-bound link from another website.

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09-06-22, 10:16 PM
The only information I have for VMGR-852 is the squadron during WTI Yuma, AZ for the KC-130 squadrons combined from New York, Texas, California, Okinawa and North Carolina.

The only time period I know of was when I went from 1995-1996.

Former 6016.