View Full Version : Stolen Valor ( Valour ) / "British Army Scum"

The Limey
08-14-09, 11:06 AM
Hi Guys / Cousins
I did introduce myself as a newbie earlier but went off on a tangent.

In the USA you have laws against those who claim false military service or acts of valor.

Unfortunately over here in England we have no such laws, so when we come across what we call a 'Walt' ( Walter Mitty ) we can do little more than expose them for what they are.

Cutting to the chase...... We have uncovered a 'super' Walt of record proportions named Barron James Shortt.... He has for over thirty years built up two large companies that now prety much span the world called the IBA ( International Bodyguard Association ) and ILETA ( International Law Enforcement Training Agency ) The latter of which is often used in the USA as a certification of creditability to many a security company and private legal companies ( Go search )

He has been exposed for his lesser offencive ( Claiming to be SF / SAS, waring unearned medals etc ) by an unofficial UK Military web site known as ARRSE which, like this site, is mostly made up of ex military personnel of which I am a member. So what ? Well, since then we have carried out further investigations that have led us to believe that he has a far more sinister side than just Walting.
As well as making claims to connections with various organisations such as your FBI http://web.archive.org/web/20030930094728/http://www.ileta.com/

We believe that he has been heading variouse paramilitary courses and carried out certain firearms offences.
The problem we have is that he has suckered so many people in authority including our own government in Whitehall ( Documented fact ) that we can't for the life of us get this man investigated by the police ( Yes, he's trained them as well )

Anyway. Partly for your amusement and partly so you can pass this on, here is our man >> Enjoy >> http://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/The_Baron_of_Castleshort You can pick up the the ARRSE thread from here >>

We didn't take kindly to being called "Scum" either.

I've attached his CV which up until 2006 was one of his aids to deceive.

08-14-09, 03:52 PM
How do people get away with making up **** like this guy--Barron James Shortt--did?

The Limey
08-14-09, 04:54 PM
How do people get away with making up **** like this guy--Barron James Shortt--did?
He had a very good start on the internet when tipex, zerox and faxes were a good companion!
Love your signature BTW
(I may be too drunk to walk but, By God, I'll crawl like a Marine.) Delete Marine, insert Brit' Squaddie. :D
T.L.<!-- / sig -->

The Limey
08-15-09, 03:30 PM
It seems I'm not the only one then ;)
http://www.omsa.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4265 A site with some with a common cause ;-))

Zulu 36
08-15-09, 04:43 PM
It seems I'm not the only one then ;)
http://www.omsa.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4265 A site with some with a common cause ;-))

It would seem that the folks from ARRSE (love that name) are all over him like white on rice. I think he is toast over in the UK after that little fake SAS/cabinet securityman flap from earlier this year.

God, does he come up with some scaggy looking kilts or what?

The Limey
08-16-09, 06:48 AM
It would seem that the folks from ARRSE (love that name) are all over him like white on rice. I think he is toast over in the UK after that little fake SAS/cabinet securityman flap from earlier this year.

God, does he come up with some scaggy looking kilts or what?

Yup, he loves his kilts. He also 'still' loves waring 'cough' his (!) medals.
Here is an image of him training some usefull bodyguard skills (?) Remember, he is not qualified to teach this in the UK. Most of his certifications and letters of recommendation come from people within his organisation or at least associated with it. ( We've checked )

The Limey
08-20-09, 06:35 AM

Please be advised that the drinking of tea or other beverages may well result in undue damage to keyboards during the viewing of the above-cited link.

The Limey
08-27-09, 07:36 AM
I hope the good members of this site can see throught this crap >

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxN1tWO6Jho&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Epotku%2Enet%2Fforum%2Fview topic%2Ephp%3Ff%3D29%26t%3D13209&feature=player_embedded#t=13

In reply ( Not by me )

I would put no more store by his 'bad cop' suggestions, hints, and threats that he, his non-existent lawyers and his 'people' are actively looking to uncover the identities of certain ARRSErs, than I would attribute to any of the other nonsense his puts about. If Sardaukar is like any of the Finns I’ve ever encountered, then he’s laughing his head off at the thought of leather jacket-clad knuckleheads trawling about Malta searching him out.

Of course, the crux of the matter here is that we 'failures' here on ARRSE are not the issue, Shortt, and his fantasy world of bogus titles and military 'experience', is. Nowhere in that 4:33 mins video did I hear any attempt to address the questions which have been repeatedly raised as to his use of military and aristocratic rank, his wearing of medals, his claims of 'service' in the Special Air Service, Paras, Royal Marines etc., and every other dubious and comic-opera aspect of the entire Shortt enterprise. To that extent, his response in this video falls flat, as it is little more than an attempt to deflect and dodge criticism. That said, it is telling in itself that he has felt it necessary to give this interview at all, as it would indicate that the pressure is mounting and starting to tell.

So my advice to Jimbo is…keep it going. Keep ducking and diving, keep threatening all and sundry with legal action, keep trying to portray us all as failures, secretly eaten up by envy of your 'achievements'.

08-29-09, 04:08 AM
Hello all, <br />
<br />
Since I am the mentioned Sardaukar (the Finn living in Malta) mentioned many times in that video, I thought it's good to come here too to say hello. ;) <br />
<br />
There is quite active...

The Limey
08-29-09, 02:06 PM
Welcome Bud' I think you might know me ;) <br />
The utube count is up by quite a bit BTW.

08-29-09, 02:16 PM
Welcome Bud' I think you might know me ;)
The utube count is up by quite a bit BTW.

I think I do. Those YouTube comments are also pure British stuff. :p

This is the copy that ARRSErs put into YouTube, where you can actually comment:


Anyway, Jimbo now knows he needs to put up or shut up. I will be very surprised if he actually answers to my questions.

I think this was quite good too....:



Zulu 36
08-29-09, 05:05 PM
I was watching some of those IBA teasers and I'm wondering what the hell is he teaching those people?

Some of his stuff is kind of funny. His firearms handling and shooting is amateurish.

The Limey
09-20-09, 02:55 PM
;)From an another site>> ( But Relevant )
IIRC didn't shortt claim in one of his so called defense waffles sometime ago now, that he has never stated he has any military service and that it was simply other people who made those claims when someone else allegidly authored shortts CV in another country that he claims had no control or part in?

Well, I'm sure it's been covered before, but, clearly this is a written claim & documented statement authored & signed by shortt****e himself... home.earthlink.net/~rg...short.html (http://home.earthlink.net/~rggsibiba/html/castleshort/castleshort.html)

Quote shortt: The Baron of Castleshort has an extensive and varied military background. From 1975 he was Director of Training for The Combat Training Team, with responsibility for training Regular & Reserve NATO forces in Combat skills (Close-Quarter-Battle, Combat Survival and Combat Medicine). Following service with elite military units he was contracted to train specialist units in both anti-terrorist and counter-terrorist skills, including training units of the United States Army and Air Force in 1980, - 1983 The Belgian Para-Commando Regiment, 1987/88 - NIFA Mujihadeen, 1988/89 The Swedish Defence Forces). From 1983-1987, James was Director of Projects for Special Training Services under Vice-Admiral Sir Peter Austin and fielded counter-terrorist projects in Algeria, Nigeria, Kuwait and The United States of America. unquote

Is it not a case that counter terrorist projects in the field during the 80's would have been the exclusive role of military & law enforcement agencies, after all it was still a cold war era.

Very interesting to note shortt obtained contract work with the US Army & USAF after he claims military service with elite units (Para & SAS is elite of which he has done NO service or completed any basic training). Surely it is a criminal offense under US Federal law to obtain work & money from the US Government/ US Tax payer by means of Fraud & Deception, even by a non US citizen entering on to US soil has to comply with US laws.

Maybe one the experienced contributors can confirm for me(us), if US law is enforced & must be complied with, whilst on a US base in any country, as the base it self is US soil, a bit like a embassy, & once stepped outside the boundaries of a US base it then falls back into the civil laws of that particular country.

Would this be correct?
Entertaining & Enlightening reading =
www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFRV1-w_rkE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFRV1-w_rkE)
www.thesun.co.uk/sol/h...183915.ece (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/article2183915.ece)
www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/James_Shortt (http://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/James_Shortt)

The Limey
09-20-09, 02:57 PM
Please pass this on old chaps :)

The Limey
09-20-09, 03:18 PM
Please pass this on old chaps :)

Sorry:nerd: Wrong link so, in addition

09-22-09, 07:11 PM
Whoever made that video, definitely captured what this is all about.

09-26-09, 09:17 AM
You should check the last one:


Really tells what this is all about, better than any words. :evilgrin:

09-26-09, 11:53 AM
:evilgrin: Bastards like this Common Mutha Fucer Wannabee are a Slap in the Face of every Man who served His Country Honorably.All gave Some~Some gave All. :mad: :iwo:

The Limey
09-27-09, 02:55 PM
Bastards like this Common Mutha Fucer Wannabee are a Slap in the Face of every Man who served His Country Honorably.All gave Some~Some gave All.

Quick update>> http://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/James_Shortt%27s_Dodgy_Uniforms_and_Medals#.22Shor tt_Orders.22

10-07-09, 11:09 AM
This guy was careful, but did open his mouth once when there was no internet for everyone to share:

Some quotes Finnish BudoExpress article issue 1/1994, interview of James Shortt:

Maailmaan palattuaan [luostarin jälkeen] irlantilainen kouluttautui ensin hätäensiapuun erikoistuneeksi paramedic-hoitajaksi, liittyen kohta brittien ammattiarmeijan valio-osaston laskuvarjojoukoihin. tuota pikaa hän siirtyi erikoistehtäviin. Käytännön kamppailukokemukset kovenivat, kun mies koki väistellä IRA:n luoteja Belfastin syrjäkujilla.

My quick translation:

When returning to world (after monastery), Irishman was trained to become emergency paramedic, soon joining the British professional army's elite paratroopers. In no time he moved to special operations/duties. Practical fighting experience hardened when dodging IRA bullets in side alleys of Belfast.

Vuonna 1982 soturi oli mukana Falklandin sotaretkellä Ison-Britannian taivutellessa asevoimin Argentiinaa tahtoonsa. Jim ei juuri arvosta Argentiinan sotakoneistoa.
- Ne panivat pojat miehiä vastaan. jotkut yksiköt taistelivat kyllä rohkeasti, saivathan ne mariineja (hih-hih) vangiksikin... Kuitenkin selväksi tuli, etteivät asevelvolliset pärjää ammattisotilaille... Esimerkiksi gurkhat eivät saaneet kontaktia viholliseen juuri lainkaan, argentiinit pötkivät karkuun kuullessaan Gurkha Riflesin lähestyvän... Huutelimmekin välillä "Ayo Gurkhali!" argentiineille, heh-heh...

Again, quick translation:

In 1982 this warrior was in Falklands War, when Great Britain used military force to force Argentina to obey it's will. Jim does not appreciate Argentinian military machine much.
- They did put boys against men. Some units fought well, they even captured some marines (hih-hih)... However, it was clear that conscripts cannot match professionals... For example, gurkhas barely got contact with enemy , argies run away when they heard Gurkha Rifles to approach... Thus we did shout "Ayo Gurkhali!" to argies now and then, heh-heh.

Give me fcuking strength again! I don't know if I should laugh or cry!

But this is absolutely best:

-Uskon moraaliseen selkärankaan; motiivien puhtauteen; soturikoodiin tai bushidoon, ihan kuinka vain...

-I believe in moral backbone; clean motives; code of warrior or bushido, either way...

I believe in moral backbone too. That includes not basing one's career on lies..especially when it comes to military service.

Scans of the article will be available soon (in Finnish..but you don't have to trust just my word, just ask translation or use Google).

Closest thing this fock has been to N. Ireland or Falklands is in his freaking scout leader hut!

Then this ****e had gall to call my service to my country meager. We have national service, like Israelis.

I rised to be 2nd Lt. in reserves during that, though basic, NCO school and reserve officer school. Everyone in Finnish Defence Forces rises from ranks, no shortcuts. THEN I was commissioned into REGULAR military as an directly commisioned officer. Must have been some fcuking wasted 4 and half years right there.

Why I am slightly peeved is, that I do not take lightly from someone, who spent maximum 27 days in uniform..in real British military..to tell me my service was meager. I think you'd feel same.

Lisa 23
10-07-09, 11:24 AM
Sardaukar...According to your profile, you are only a Marine Friend, so you are in the wrong part of the forum. Open Squad Bay is a "Marine Corps Community for USMC Veterans", which means Marines only.
If you were in another branch of the service, then my apologies.

10-07-09, 11:43 AM
I did not notice that and it was my bad. Feel free to delete or moderate my posts. Apologies.

Lisa 23
10-07-09, 12:04 PM
I'm not no mod, but just letting you know for future reference.

The Limey
10-07-09, 02:14 PM
I'm not no mod, but just letting you know for future reference.
With respect 'Marine' this thread is about Wannabe's respect and honour (almost as per your signature coincidentally) so can we let this ride?
Shortt is just one such person that fits the bill. He is a wannabe low life with none of the other attributes that you obviously do have (We call them 'Walts' here) Please watch >

Added to which I'd be taking an issue that he managed to deceive not only the FBI but the USMC with his bogus claims of serving in our special forces.
Kind regards
T.L. The son of a 'Royal' (as we call our Marines)
Now, have a :beer: on me :)

Lisa 23
10-07-09, 06:42 PM
Easy there The Limey, I didn't even know who this person, Sardaukar, was until a bit ago.

The Limey
10-08-09, 03:46 AM
Easy there The Limey, I didn't even know who this person, Sardaukar, was until a bit ago.

No problem.:) Shortt has been trying to discredit Sardaurkar (SD) in his country ( Finland ) SD rose through the ranks to a commission while El Jimbo didn't even make basic.
The fact that he has discovered that ShortT laid a false claim to having served in the Falklands conflict has re-stoked our resolve to see him out of the business that he has built out of false honour and now valour.

Fox News would love this ;)