View Full Version : WARNING!!! Economic Collapse

08-11-09, 09:50 PM
Despite what Washington and Wall Street are telling us that we will be out of the recession by September! Numerous people who do not work in Washington... Who are not a part of the political machinery and have absolutely no masters in Washington to appease, serve and align themselves with, are telling us a completely different story.

And what a story it is... It's actually a nightmare!

One in particular is Peter Schiff... who is a very astute investment banker. Back in 2006, he tried to warn us about the coming economic meltdown.

Mr. Schiff was ridiculed by just about everyone under the sun for his "Dooms Day Prophecies."

There are videos posted on sites like Youtube that shows Peter being attacked and maligned by other so-called experts... During sometimes vicious ad-hominem attacks on his credibility the man never backed down. Never changed his story. Never compromised his integrity. He just kept sounding the alarm...

Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HFNJw7xGSA

Peter even went a step further and wrote a book about his economic predictions. (Crash Proof - How To Profit From The Coming Economic Collapse) Now this in itself is a highly unusual thing for an investment banker to do! These guys don't ever want to be on record saying that something is going to happen to the market at such-and-such at time in the future... because if they are WRONG... Their careers are OVER!!!

Now fast forward 2 years and Peter was right... and now everyone is listening to Mr. Schiff as well they should!!! Peter not only predicted our current economic crisis, but he also predicted the Tech Bubble Burst back in 1999...

It's Cassandra's Curse all over again. Dam those Greek tragedies!

Well anyways... He is now running for the Senate seat in his home state of Connecticut... Going up against Democratic Senator Chris Dodd.

So... Since Peter was right about the economy not only back in 2006, but also back in 1999... Should we be listening to him now? His outlook on the economy is no where near what Washington is telling us right now.

Actually it's pretty dam scary to tell you the truth!

Here is something you might want to look at to know what really is going.

Our wonderful CIA keeps track of allot of things that go on globally. I know the CIA has shaky record and are not the most reliable of sources when it comes to knowing what is going on in the world. But this is an easy one. Even for them!

This is a data sheet that contains the bank balances of most of the countries in the world. Might be all of them.

Guess where the US is on this list. Just take a look.

Country-By-Country Bank Balance: http://sn.im/cia1

Now take a look at this list.

It is the FDIC list of failed banks: http://sn.im/1banks

And now this...

State Unemployment Rate: http://sn.im/pob8z

And this one I have been watching for a while, and is most troubling...

The Baltic Dry Index or BDI: http://sn.im/pocq9 | http://sn.im/pod6h

The Baltic Dry Index - If you don't know what the Baltic dry index is... here is what it is in a nut case. It is an index that measures shipping around the world. It is a near perfect economic indicator. Because unlike Wall Street and other economic areas. It has to report very accurately measurements of what is being shipped, who is shipping etc etc. There is no fudging the numbers they have to report what has been measure, payed for destinations to be shipped to blah blah... Very accurate.

This video will explain The BDI: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXATSV8S3-M

Now if you've looked at all the information above, and you try to add them up and dram a conclusion.
What pray tell do you come up with? Does it add up the Recession Ending next month? My guess is the you answer is no.

You don't have to be a financial wizard to figure this out!

Do you think that our wannabe political masters in Washington would come clean and tell us what really is going on?

Do you seriously think that we will be out of this recession in September?

Total economic Collapse is what is being spoken about by the honest people. Our currency the US Dollar is worth 4 freakin cents now compared to what it was worth in 1913 before The Federal Reserve to control of our economy... Good job huh!!!

China, Saudi Arabia & Japan own most of our debt. Mainly China...

When you owe someone money... they own you...

We owe China, Saudi Arabia, and Japan Billions+++

Our country is headed to a place that is not very pretty...

And if you are not prepared like most people aren't!

I'm afraid that your going to get hurt, and very badly indeed.

So if things get bad like what some people are predicting...

Will you be prepared to take care of yourself and your loved ones?

I just thought I'd share this.

Thank you,

P.S. If you would like to know who to really listen about the economy here is a list of people that are not only honest but extremely wealthy and know how the global markets really work, and are renown for their honesty when it comes to communicating what they know. There are many videos on Youtube for you to soak up their knowledge. Peace!!!

- Peter Schiff obviously
- Jim Rogers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXYCGQWcQ3o
- Max Keiser - He predicted Ice Land's economic crash over year before it happened. Click here to see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFzUR1k3ku4

08-11-09, 09:54 PM
Very informative... but he will never beat Dodd.

08-11-09, 09:59 PM
Never... Say Never...

08-11-09, 10:05 PM
I'm surprised how CNBC and the other cable news outlets still let
Peter Shiff have air time. He comes acoss as credible and articulate while trouncing the perma-bulls.

08-11-09, 10:50 PM
There are some really interesting things going on right now.
For instance Ron Paul Bill H.R. 1207 - A bill to audit The Federal Reserve.
I don't know what you or anybody in this forum know about the Federal Reserve...
But know this..
It is not a government institution at all.
There is a popular quote among people know about this organization.

"The Federal Reserve is As Federal... As Federal Express"
And they have no reserve... None What so ever, but they have been charging
Americans interest on those crappy Federal Reserve Notes Since 1913.

Now our currency the American Dollar has lost 96% of it's value since the Federal Reserve has taken control of our currency in 1913.

This is an organization that is more secretive that all of our various intelligence apparatus of this country.

The CIA, NSA and all the others

The CIA, and NSA get audited all the time. I'm sure you hear about the expenses and what not in the news every now and then.

This organization has NEVER EVER been audited in it's entire existance.

This organization is our country's bank... And they have robbed this country blind, and are now refusing to answer questions as to where Trillions of dollars has gone...

Your money, my money, and unfortunately future generations of American's money has gone to!!!!

Americans have been asleep for too long...

Time To Wake Up!!!

Educate yourselves on the subject of money. Study the history money, banking, finance, credit and insurance...

It is a dark history...

The founding fathers of this country dealt these things sometimes successfully as in the case of President Andrew Jackson, who abolished a banking system like the Federal Reserve during his presidency. He put up a serious fight to abolish that bank.

I do believe it was called The Second Bank of The United States.

Julius Ceasar also dealt with a similar situation in ancient Rome.

The central that was in place was doing exactly what The Federal Reserve is doing now. Debasing the currency, manipulation of the markets... Basically robbing Rome of it's wealth.

He put an end to it, and the Romans adored him for doing so. Then he was killed.
These types of bankers are more dangerous than you could possible think.

I applaud Congressman Ron Paul's courage and determination in dealing with them.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. - Thomas Jefferson

I could go for forever about this... At this current time The Federal Reserve is the greatest danger our country, for they are the ones that truly possess the greatest power in Washington .


The Creature From Jekyll - Great book that tells the whole story. If you read this book you will know more about money that most bankers. It extremely well written. reads like an adventure novel. There is intrigue, twists and turns.


The Money Masters - Great documentary about 3 hours long cover allot of details. It only makes one fatal flow. And that is it's support of fiat currency. Fiat currency is dangerous.

Money As Debt - Great little documentary also. Recently a follow up to it was released

Fiat Empire - Another great documentary which covers the Federal Reserve

Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo (R.I.P) - Film maker Aaron Russo made this and it is very good.

All of these videos you can watch online for FREE... Youtube, Google Video etc.

If you are not aware of any of the information above. I would make it a PRIORITY!!! To educate yourself what is really going on.

The Obama administration has us on a collision course with a Economic Disaster of EPIC PROPORTIONS!!!

Unfortunately I cannot place all the blame on him... For he is just a tool.

This problem started back before 1913 when The Federal Reserve was being created.

Sorry I didn't mean to rant... But this one subject boils my blood fortunately I work with two private organization which are working behind the scenes to deal with this.