View Full Version : Aim small, miss small?

07-08-03, 10:02 PM


I found this photo while researching Mel Gibson's words in "The Patroit";

Aim small, miss small.

What does he mean aim small?
Aiming at a certain part of the body, as opposed to just aiming at the whole body.

The picture above, I love it.
The page is part site of a Marine's site.
He's in Iraq.

Semper Fidelis

07-08-03, 10:08 PM
I was thinking about aim small, miss small dued to a question on marksmanship.
Would that be the same as focus on the tip of front sight blade.
While holding the sight picture.
There , you would be aiming small and missing small if you didn't strike the bullseye.

Semper Fidelis

PS Any question on shooting catches my attention.
Having been a Primary Marksmanship Instructor (PMI)
Edson Range 1966