View Full Version : Altitude Change

04-16-09, 09:32 AM
Hey so I have not seen this question asked so far, and while it does not really pertain to me I thought it would be a good question to ask.

Were there any Marines that when they got to boot camp had a difficult time with the altitude change or weather or air quality?


04-16-09, 01:41 PM
I have not been yet, but what I have heard is that it takes about a week to get used to the heat esspecially in the summer. I see your from Columbus, so I am assuming that is Ohio so the heat may be a small obsticle in the beginning.

Altitude only makes a difference if you are going up because there is less oxygen in higher altitudes so it the Island you should not have to worry about that.

Probably not quite the help you were looking for but I hope you find some of it helpful. Good luck!

04-16-09, 01:58 PM
Both MCRDs are sea level so if you're going lower in altitude you've got a head start.

The heat and humidity can be taxing, though. And they recognize that and ease you into the training while you acclimatize and eventually push your limits. I joined in July and had to wear sweat shirts during pt. That got me ready for wearing my flack and duce gear up in Pendleton in the heat.