View Full Version : Prior service question

03-18-09, 03:12 PM

I am a Navy vet and I wanted to say that when I first joined I doubted that Marines were a different breed from the other branches. I saw first hand that I was wrong. The best phrase I have seen that fits you guys is "Your best friend or your worst nightmare".

Now after paying my respects I had a question that I couldn't find in the search tool.

Since I am prior service would I be able to serve a 2 year enlistment in the Marine Corps Reserves? I know recruits have the options of 2x6,4x4 etc.
Since I served my IRR time do I have the flexibility of a 2 years term?


03-18-09, 03:16 PM
I put this is the wrong thread huh?

03-18-09, 03:18 PM
Fill out your profile, and you will get plenty of questions answered here.

03-18-09, 03:24 PM
Mission accomplished

03-18-09, 04:10 PM
HEY! Another Ordie! Welcome the hell aboard!

03-18-09, 10:28 PM
I know that if you sign up 6years reserve after your 4 years thatll count towards the IRR. But I don't think you can sign up for just 2 years if that's what your looking for.

03-18-09, 10:51 PM
Don't quote me on this, but I know there is a two year option in the Marine Corps now. I do believe this only applies to kids straight outta high school. Like I said dont quote me, best bet go see a reserve prior service recruiter. Also talk to this man right here he knows a good deal about this stuff. Kill!!:marine:


03-19-09, 06:29 AM
I think the minimum Prior Service Reserve enlistment is 3 yrs.
