View Full Version : FAQ: Marine recruiter bonus: Pull-ups

02-24-09, 08:02 AM
February 24, 2009
FAQ: Marine recruiter bonus: Pull-ups

If you want to join the Marines, first you might need to talk to Sgt. Sean Andres.

He's one of the recruiters at the Marines office in The Empire Mall, and in his 21/4 years in Sioux Falls, he's heard plenty of questions.

Because it's his job to get people to sign up, he's got a ready answer for nearly any query.

1. What's the question you get asked the most at the front desk? "Why should I join the Marines?"

Andres' answer: "Pretty much because we are the best."

Two other questions are nearly as common: "Am I going to get deployed?" and "Is there an enlistment bonus?"

The answer for the bonus is, "It depends on if you qualify for one."

2. What's a question you get asked fairly often that most people wouldn't think is part of your job? "Where's the bathroom?"

3. What's the strangest question you've ever been asked as a part of your job? " 'Can we do pull-ups?' We have a pull-up bar here, and random people will come in and ask to do pull-ups. And we say, 'OK.' "

- Compiled by Sheri Levisay
