View Full Version : Why I Listen.

02-15-09, 02:04 PM
:flag: Forty years is a long way back. Today....NOW...I'm still listening to 60's MOTOWN. Those songs connect me with the POSITIVE experiences, of my Tour, with The Marines. WHY?? If you were there....you'd know!!.....NEVER FORGET!!!.....DOC

02-17-09, 10:07 AM
Doc, I don't care to listen to anything except mo-town, the Golden oldies. Todays music, you can not understand half of the songs, the rap is just that,rap. Swing from tree to tree babling something unintelligable is not music. I enjoy operas more than rap. All you rapers, send your money to me, I spend it right on good music. I remember the Pilots would cut the music off in the back going into a hot zones, and leave theres on. I got smart and hot wired my radios so they could not switch it off. They never new it. LMFAO.!!!!!!!!

02-17-09, 10:53 AM
:flag: Forty years is a long way back. Today....NOW...I'm still listening to 60's MOTOWN. Those songs connect me with the POSITIVE experiences, of my Tour, with The Marines. WHY?? If you were there....you'd know!!.....NEVER FORGET!!!.....DOC

Ah MOTOWN.......that's a flash from the past! "Tracks of my tears" was very popular during my stay over there, I think we all knew all the words to it.....hell AFVN played it every 15 minutes for 3 months though! LMAO.

Lets see now there was three groups, if I remember correctly, the "REDNECKS, THE DRUGIES, AND THE BROTHERS" I believe that about covered it. But when the crap hit the fan, you could always know that the gangs were not there, only Marines doing what they do best, covering each others 6!

Interesting enough, when I visited the WALL, I remembered all the good times when I saw the 14 names of the Marines I knew personally, but only one bad thing about each of them. They did thier job and paid the ultimate price,but dam.....we had some fun doing it to!

Thanks for the memories Doc!

Semper Fi,


02-24-09, 05:09 PM
:cry: Just recived word that my blood brother and Marine Cherakee Dougntery died last Saterday. He was a true Marine and everything the Marines stand for.

02-24-09, 06:48 PM
Sorry to hear that Marine, God Bless.

02-24-09, 10:44 PM
:flag: Forty years is a long way back. Today....NOW...I'm still listening to 60's MOTOWN. Those songs connect me with the POSITIVE experiences, of my Tour, with The Marines. WHY?? If you were there....you'd know!!.....NEVER FORGET!!!.....DOC

Good one Doc, Thanks for the memories
When in Nam we played Rolling at lot don't remember the whole name of it . It goes something like Rolling Rolling on the River
My memory goes and comes mostley goes when I try to remember something My wife usually fills in the blanks but she's in bed.
I can say You know What's his ass and she fills in the blank.
Semper Fi Redman1

02-24-09, 11:17 PM
BUDDY....I think it's important to treasure our GOOD memories. Forty years, is a long dam time ago, BUT....my memories are as real as if I was there...NOW. While I'm writing this post, I'm listening to Peter, Paul, and Mary, "The Very Best of PP&M". Crying, like a baby, for the men lost, and wounded....GOD, look after them....PLEASE!.....DOC

02-24-09, 11:36 PM
I agree Doc
I don't let myself go down that road very often but I never forget our fallen Marines and what they gave for there country.
I'm praying for you and your the BEST
Had my Father and Mother in law over for supper tonight and I was telling them about the Marine Friends on this site. I don't know what I ever did without all of my new friends. I look forward to talking to all of you and hopefully meeting you someday. I told my wife when I die to be sure and let you guys know, all of you have made my life complete. Opps here I go being REMORSE on all of you. Sorry REMORSE its easy to blame you for showing emotions. But all of you are the BEST (No ****)
Semper Fi Redman1

02-28-09, 11:17 PM
It's 00:20, here in Fla., and I'm listening to the TEMP'S singing, "Just My Imagination". We missed so much of normal life, every time I listen to MOTOWN, it makes my cry for the lost young men, of OUR generation.....MY..."Pappa WAS a Rolling Stone"...and I'm NO different......Very sad DOC

03-01-09, 07:20 AM
Being a Rolling Stone might have been bad but we need Rolling Stones. What would the world be without us SOB that are different. My sister you to say that I was "Bad Bad Leroy Brown" .That's one reason they make Marines so we have an excuse for the way we act. Although the older I get the softer I get but my wife says I ***** about everything. It funny though she says I ***** about everything but when they made the thread about *****ing about something I didn't have anything to ***** about. Palinblood said I guess I'm going to have to have a bad dad so I can say something on here. I try to make the best of everyday these days.
Semper Fi Redman1

03-01-09, 08:36 AM
sh*t I still remember those old song from the drive in days to boot camp and camp lejeune going to j-town and bars and other places to drink and listen to music. Damn those were the days my friends...Semper Fi Doc Damn good one
http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss329/marine1955_2009/th_starbucks.gif (http://s588.photobucket.com/albums/ss329/marine1955_2009/?action=view&current=starbucks.gif)

03-01-09, 08:44 AM
Yes...today's Corps is different from the 60's. New, "intellegent" equipment, and "new" methods of training. Much more accurate weaponry, and ability to fight at night. It was RARE, to land a Med-E Huey, or 46, at night, while defending a hot LZ, at night. My Company, always took Defensive positions, at night, with LP's, OP's, and an SNCO, going on "rounds", to reassure, and motovate the troops. Sometimes...the GSGT, would drag my ass with him, to make sure the Grunts emotional, and physical health, was "supported". I HATED doing that SH!T....in the rain!!! BUT.....showing that "WE" cared about the MEN, made a BIG difference!!.....AND....YES, I miss it!......DOC :flag:

03-01-09, 08:57 AM
You bet I miss it too. I look at the gear that they use now and what they wear and realize how different it was back then when we just had a flight jacket and a Boonie hat. Can't get over the cell phones, and communication gear the have now with the head Mic's. Remember the big radios our radio man had to carry.(He looked like a pack horse). I guess we look different to WWII Marines also. We carried those light M-16 and they carried the heavy M-1. Times do change and I miss them but I'm glad I was there and I would go back again.
I have a hard time putting into words what I think and saying what I mean sometimes but I try to let you know how I feel. These threads sure do help me get out thoughts that I have carried for years and never let anyone know what was in my mind.
Semper Fi Redman1

03-01-09, 02:12 PM
BUDDY....I kept my dam mouth shut, in every job I worked, for nearly 40 years. My anger built up inside of me, and NOW....if someone FVCKS with me, I'm on them....like stink on sh!t!!! If people don't like what I say, or do....they can go FVCK themselves!!! I have EARNED the RIGHT to it!! SO HAVE EVERY ONE OF YOU NUMBNUTS!!!!! ALL of you have my COMPLETE SUPPORT.....NO MATTER WHAT!!! BLESS ALL OF YOU!!!.......DOC

03-01-09, 02:52 PM
i remember this group
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:GA_IhZqqEo5ZrM:http://a5.vox.com/6a00cdf7ed27ab094f00e398d9fa450005-500pi (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://a5.vox.com/6a00cdf7ed27ab094f00e398d9fa450005-500pi&imgrefurl=http://olivelela.vox.com/library/post/70s-music-wednesday---im-your-boogie-man.html&usg=__4Cq_ql4evR-8s8M--IrfEyef2gM=&h=500&w=500&sz=286&hl=en&start=164&um=1&tbnid=GA_IhZqqEo5ZrM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3D70%2527s%2Bmusic%26start%3D160%26ndsp %3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3DGGLG,GGLG:2008-46,GGLG:en%26sa%3DN)
dance and drank to them at the e-club and had a good time doing it

03-01-09, 06:29 PM
SALUTE and Semper Fi to you Guys
Semper Fi Redman1

03-01-09, 08:43 PM
BUDDY....I kept my dam mouth shut, in every job I worked, for nearly 40 years. My anger built up inside of me, and NOW....if someone FVCKS with me, I'm on them....like stink on sh!t!!! If people don't like what I say, or do....they can go FVCK themselves!!! I have EARNED the RIGHT to it!! SO HAVE EVERY ONE OF YOU NUMBNUTS!!!!! ALL of you have my COMPLETE SUPPORT.....NO MATTER WHAT!!! BLESS ALL OF YOU!!!.......DOC
Unlax, have a drink,,,There will always be an old salt to have your back. **** stinks, but dries with time, We got new pups to bring up,,, you ain't done yet. Let me know when you need sumpthin, Sparkie. :usmc:

03-01-09, 09:07 PM
You bet I miss it too. I look at the gear that they use now and what they wear and realize how different it was back then when we just had a flight jacket and a Boonie hat. Can't get over the cell phones, and communication gear the have now with the head Mic's. Remember the big radios our radio man had to carry.(He looked like a pack horse). I guess we look different to WWII Marines also. We carried those light M-16 and they carried the heavy M-1. Times do change and I miss them but I'm glad I was there and I would go back again.
I have a hard time putting into words what I think and saying what I mean sometimes but I try to let you know how I feel. These threads sure do help me get out thoughts that I have carried for years and never let anyone know what was in my mind.
Semper Fi Redman1
Hey Buddy,I was there early '65,had either utility cover or steel pot,also a noisey flak jacket,what a piece of crap.
Carried the M14 and a .357 mag.
Nothing like these youngsters have today..
Wish we had their stuff then..
The music brings back bad mems to me ,don't wish to listen..:(

03-01-09, 10:32 PM
BUDDY....I kept my dam mouth shut, in every job I worked, for nearly 40 years. My anger built up inside of me, and NOW....if someone FVCKS with me, I'm on them....like stink on sh!t!!! If people don't like what I say, or do....they can go FVCK themselves!!! I have EARNED the RIGHT to it!! SO HAVE EVERY ONE OF YOU NUMBNUTS!!!!! ALL of you have my COMPLETE SUPPORT.....NO MATTER WHAT!!! BLESS ALL OF YOU!!!.......DOC

hey bro i feel your pain just stay cool for now i'm hoping soon to get a trip to fl. to get some car or truck or some sh*t! when i do will drink some f*cking beer or whiskey your call .. i mean me and other f*cking devil dogs need you to hold it together!! we need your idea's your smarts to teach these young pups the ropes. if your old azz ain't around to let these young pups know the ropes who will come on an teach them..bro hand in there we need you and all the corpsman out there who else will cover our backs if your not there. SEMPER FI YOU OLD DOG YOU!!! WE DO NEED YOU BAD!! STAY COOL

03-01-09, 11:00 PM
ecfree.....for YEARS, I looked for something positive to remember the good times I had in the Navy, and with the F.M.F. Truthfully, music of the time is the only "thing", that brings back the smiles, the innocent faces, and the bull sessions. I treasure the memory of those young MEN, as though they were my sons, or younger brothers.....GOD BLESS EVERY ONE OF THEM......DOC

03-01-09, 11:40 PM
:flag: Forty years is a long way back. Today....NOW...I'm still listening to 60's MOTOWN. Those songs connect me with the POSITIVE experiences, of my Tour, with The Marines. WHY?? If you were there....you'd know!!.....NEVER FORGET!!!.....DOC

Never cared.... I rather hear about what you can do for the Marine Corp than *****....

03-02-09, 01:23 AM
Never cared.... I rather hear about what you can do for the Marine Corp than *****....

Thunder, (Never cared) what the hell!!!!
You haven't been there and don't understand.
You don't get it and never will
This site ain't for you!!!!!!!!!!
(What you can do the the Marine Corps)? What the hell do you do for the Marine Corps?
I'm not sure you know what the Marine Corps is all about!!!
Semper Fi Redman1

03-02-09, 06:20 AM
Rick....it's OK, I didn't mean that post as a *****, but there's a lot of old farts, on this site, that sometimes get 'Swamped", by their memories of Viet Nam. Music, of the 60's, helps bring back...positive memories for us, that's ALL I meant......DOC

03-02-09, 06:47 AM
Thunder if I over read what you meant I apologize I never want to disrespect any Marine on this site. I don't know you so if Doc does your O.K. Hope you accept my apology.
Semper Fi Redman1

03-02-09, 07:17 AM
Thunder if I over read what you meant I apologize I never want to disrespect any Marine on this site. I don't know you so if Doc does your O.K. Hope you accept my apology.
Semper Fi Redman1Redman I read your post in the mornin Zephyr. You have nuthin to apologize for. Did you read this sh-tbirds profile. Says he joined the Corps in 99, graduated boot in 05, and got out in 05. WTF?
This guy couldn't find his ass with both hands and a flashlight. F-ck him. Says he's 32. F-ck you Thunder-Poser, Crawl back in your slimey wet hole of a life and leave these great Americans have their past. I personally want to hear the stories so I can pass them on, lest we forget what the Nam vet went through, and scarificed for future generations, and his brother/Marine. Semper Fi Redman, you are my big brother. :thumbup:

03-02-09, 07:27 AM
Never cared.... I rather hear about what you can do for the Marine Corp than *****....


03-02-09, 07:33 AM
Thanks guys for your support.
Doc this is a good thread and thanks for starting it.
I don't consider it *****ing but sharing thoughts that we kept in for years and years.
I like knowing what's in your minds and searching out my own.
Keep em coming
Semper Fi Redman1

03-02-09, 08:05 AM
NOW, that I think about it....what ever happened to all those "surfer dudes"? The Beach Boys, Jan & Dean, etc.?? Those guys made big bucks....NOT as big as The Beatles, BUT....I guess they all retired when "DISCO" started!!! HA! HA! HA! GOOD, FUNNY, MEMORIES!!!....DOC

03-02-09, 08:17 AM
I liked the Beach Boys. It's also funny that most of the Marines I knew and served with listened to Motown.
When I was stationed back at PI we all listen to country back in the Charlie Pride and Johnny Cash days. Had a SSgt that liked Charlie Pride until he found out that he was black. Charlie never sounded black but I still liked him and always did.
Then when I was trucking the song six days on the road came out and I would be pumped up driving home on a Friday night after being gone all week.
Songs really got us through those days not matter what we did.
I had a friend in Nam from Philly and he tried to teach me guitar and I got mad one night and busted it over somebody head. We listened to Proud Mary allot in Nam.
Wouldn't take anything for my good memories.
That's the thing I fought with after coming home was I made it back home alive and never wounded. I didn't feel worthy to have been spared.
Semper Fi Redman1

03-02-09, 08:53 AM
:evilgrin: There must be a way We can get a virtual Jukebox going on here,there has 2 be sum young computer GuRu in our midst?Like 4 every member a Song thats their favv from whatever era.After all music is the Universal Language.When this chick comes over in a few I'm gonna requeast She humm's the Marine Corps Hymn on My Gunn :marine: :iwo:

03-02-09, 09:22 PM
Hey Doc,your posts are great,nothing wrong with them,and Red..you did the right thing.
He disrespected us,he showed his true colors,he's a KID that just don't know any better...
MAY A MONKEY,WITH 3 SHWANTS,PEE IN HIS NEXT DRINK...:banana::banana::banana:

03-02-09, 10:57 PM
I watched a Documentary tonight, about "The Funk Brothers", it was called, "Standing in the Shadows of MOTOWN". These men, starting in the late 50's, and until the early 70's, worked for Berry Gordy...founder of MOTOWN! 4 Tops, Temptations, Smokey Robinson, Martha Reeves, and the Vandellas, Marvin Gaye, and a LOT MORE!! VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!......DOC

03-02-09, 11:00 PM
Sounds good
"The" good old day really were the good old days
Semper Fi Redman1