View Full Version : My son let me use his screen name. Cell phone at SOI question

01-30-09, 04:46 PM
Is it okay or not okay to bring a cell to SOI? We know our new Marine would only be able to use it on weekends the Marines were given liberty but it would still be nice for him to have. We've heard people say its a bad idea but others say that it would be perfectly fine, including my son's DIs. Any experience in this area would be greatly appreciated if it was shared. Thank you.

01-30-09, 04:56 PM
Of course he should bring his cell phone, hes gonna be going off base on the weekends and will be able to use it when he wants on the weekends.

01-30-09, 06:50 PM
Mine took his. In fact, he texted me his new address the afternoon he arrived. He said they could keep them the first night as well. (He did not call me, though).

01-30-09, 07:08 PM
you get to keep them, just dont get caught using them. If you were caught, my instructors would wrap a whole roll of duct tape around them, then give them to you at the end of the circle. Its better just to wait for the weekend.