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01-29-09, 09:34 AM
A hero's homecoming

Employer, friends and co-workers celebrate
Staff Writer
Published: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 6:06 PM MST
A giant American flag acts as a backdrop. Welcome home balloons are placed on the tables. Two cakes, covered with red, white and blue frosting sit on the head table, waiting for people to arrive.

The message written in blue on the cake says “Welcome home Zech King.”

There is a stuffed bear on the table. It’s for the soldier’s daughter, Kayda, who is now 18 months old. A red rose corsage awaits his wife, Elizabeth.

Soon, the room starts to fill and the anticipation mounts as more Solvay Chemicals employees file in and wait.

There are a couple of signs taped to lockers that say “Thanks Zech” and “We appreciate your service.”

A few employees realized they hadn’t signed one yet and hurry up to the front of the room to scribble their names around the American flag.

The group can’t wait to see King, who has been in the Marines for more than six years. King has been gone a year and for the last five months, he was in Iraq.

King has been in the Marine Corps active reserve since 2002. He was called to serve at Camp David from 2002-2006. In August 2006, King returned home. In October 2006, he started working for Solvay Chemicals.

When King got called back, he was not expecting the call at all. It had been two years since he had served. He had to leave his wife and infant child behind to serve his country once again.

This time, he spent time at Camp Pendleton in California and then went to Camp Fallujah in Iraq.

Meanwhile, life continued for his wife and daughter. Things at Solvay continued also. However, King never left their prayers.

Knowing where King has been and the sacrifices he has made only makes his arrival even more special.

Although the room was pretty quiet, it starts to get louder with coworkers talking about King’s return.

Finally, someone gets the word that King is on his way down.

The room is quiet once again as everyone waits.

As King, Elizabeth and their daughter step through the door, they are greeted with applause and a standing ovation.

King and his family are utterly speechless. Even though this isn’t the first surprise party Solvay has thrown him, he is still overcome by the company’s family-like atmosphere.

While King was gone, Solvay gave Elizabeth gift certificates and sent her cards around the holidays. It was something that let her know she wasn’t the only one missing her husband.

After the applause died down, King only said a few words, but those words touched the hearts of his coworkers.

“Thanks to everybody and thank you for everything you’ve done for us,” King said.

Then, a whirlwind of activity ensued. Cake and ice cream was served to everyone, pictures were taken and King received many hand shakes, hugs and thank yous.

Soon, the room emptied and King and his family were about the only ones left.

While Kayda plays with her bear and balloon, Elizabeth just takes it all in.

As King finished up the last morsels of his cake and ice cream, he looked around and may have realized that he’s home -- finally home.
