View Full Version : Check Out The Heros

06-16-03, 02:52 AM
To you Poolees and Wannabes,

Along with your study of General Orders and perfecting your Oh-rahs, you should all go and visit your local VA Hospital to see some real heros and what combat is all about...

Check out the former World War II WAC Nurse Hero, now Grandmother, now Schizophreniac, whose children won't bring her grandchildren to see her because she's "looney".

Check out the Vietnam Veteran Hero, double leg amputee, who has to wear a diaper, and sits in his own **** for hours cause the attendents are sick of changing him. He kept telling me to grab his shoes from under the bed.

Check out the Korean War Hero who asks you everyday if you are the doctor and where he (our Hero) is.

Check out the War Hero whos kept alive on breathing apparitus, heart still beating, but is otherwise dead.

Check out the Heros in wheelchairs around the nurse's station waiting for meds, waiting for their snack, or just waiting.

That's about one quarter of one corridor of one ward of three corridors, then check out how many wards the hospital has. Without asking directions, see if you can find your way past all the heros to the exit.

You like reality TV, well, here's your chance to be the star of the show. Let me know if you are really Marine material and accept my challenge.

Semper Fi,
Bill "Kalbo" Long

06-16-03, 03:19 AM
I've been there and done it, myself. It's worth the trip.

06-16-03, 04:13 AM
You have the right idea, Kalbo. I think that way,especially when I am there. We have alot of people in the younger generations, who only seem to see the glory part of the military, not the gory part. I have only told that to one person to check it out. This person is the only one to ask me questions about the glory part. I told this young man he watches to much tv!

Semper Fi to all!!

06-16-03, 08:22 AM
William Glasser called it Reality Therapy.

Sometimes, the KIAs are the lucky ones, it is only those they left behind who continue to suffer.

Reread Kalbo's post. Every one of those "heroes" have mothers, fathers, wives, children, brothers and sisters who continue to suffer with them. Or, who for their own sanity, have written them off.

Anti-abortionists always talk about the potential geniuses, etc. who were lost through abortion. I submit that the number is greater amongst the potential offspring of the "heroes", whose children would have been wanted, nurished, and mentored by loving, caring, fathers.

I posted a piece, I am a Pacifist, someplace on this website. Although not mentioned in my post, these "heroes" are part of my reasons. Not through fear, not through cowardness, but through love.

There are times when aggressive action is the only recourse left. There are times when it is the best course to take.
There are times when it is the only course open.

Some would said that it is an admission of politic or diplomatic failure. And there are times they would be right.

There are also times where aggressiveness is the best and only defensive action.

I believe that the decision to put others, in harms way should be a very carefully deliberated one, weighing the potential gain against the "heroes" such an action would produce.

Politicians and armchair warriors my brag about the minimum numbers of "heroes" that were created under their direction.

HOWEVER, I have NEVER heard a parent, wife, or child of a "hero" brag about the small numbers an action created.

ONE "hero" is too many for them.

To be strong, to be prepared, to be ready, to be willing and able are required characteristics of ANYONE who chooses NOT to be enslaved.

These attributes are best used in prevention. Vengence and retribution are ALWAYS after the fact, AFTER the damage has been done. "Getting Even" means you failed to prevent.

When "getting even" is necessary, it should serve double duty, and act as a warning to dissuade others.

WE Marines have a tradition of instilling fear, or at least respect. But that reputation has been at the cost of many "heroes".

As Kalbo has pointed out, we want to emulate our unscathed heroes, and are unmindful of the other "heroes" that were in the same place at the same time.

The armchair warriors should NEVER forget THEM, for they paid the price of the politicians failures.

Like a poker game, a day at the races, or a trip to Las Vegas; You don't count your money after each event. The time to judge your performance is when you count your bankroll after you return home.

A government cannot evaluate its success after a battle, or even after a war. The final evaluation cannot be made for many years, after all the bills have been presented and paid.

Did the FINAL results justify the effort and the "heroes" created? Consider WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and more events than I care to think about. Ask the "heroes".