View Full Version : Sergeants Distance Course 8010 Series

11-28-08, 07:42 AM
Does the 8010 series count for education points towards Sergeant? Or is it just required PME and you have to do normal MCIs to get the education points?

11-28-08, 09:08 AM
It counts toward your cutting score.

But I've finished two and have no points, from what I've been told you get 15 points for the entire 8000 series....haha, blows.

11-28-08, 01:03 PM
Get it done, though. It cost me a chance at a meritorious board because I gaffed it off.

11-29-08, 01:41 AM
The Cpl above is correct, just get it done.

8000 series was good to go but 8010 added so much it is crazy.

I still have my MCI's in storage. Knowledge is still knowledge!


12-02-08, 05:50 PM
The Cpl above is correct, just get it done.

Do it. And if you get a chance go to Cpl's Course, hound your higher ups about you wanting to get on a Board and practice, practice, practice, your sword manual!! Then once you become a Sgt, practice your sword manual some more, beg to go to Sgt's course, score at least a 1st class PFT so that it reflects positively on your Fit-Rep and just wait until your in the zone. Depending on your MOS that should be anywhere between 2-5 years. But hopefully it doesn't take that long! Good Luck!

On a side note.

I still have my MCI's in storage. Knowledge is still knowledge!


That's funny. I have every MCI, School Knowledge, both my Sgt Distance Edu Program, and Staff NCO Career Distance Edu Program. I was looking over them a few weeks ago and my wife called me crazy!

Here are some pics


12-02-08, 09:03 PM
The entire Sgts Non-resident Course does not only count for 15 points - each one counts (I have them done). Otherwise, it would only list under your education as one MCI not a bajillion.

11-26-13, 10:08 PM
does anyone know where you go to order he 8010 series? ive been looking all over the MCI website and i have not gotten anywhere.

11-27-13, 08:05 AM
What is this 8010 series ? And do they still have NCO School ? I was reading in the Marine Corps Times that L/cpl's are starting to have some kind of classes now?

11-28-13, 04:19 PM
8010 was discounted and replaced with a Marinenet course. I believe you get points for it still. 8010 was a distant education course it supplemented Sgt's course didn't replaced it