View Full Version : General (R) McCaffrey's latest AAR from in-theater.

11-18-08, 11:05 AM
General (R) McCaffrey's latest AAR from in-theater.
By The Armorer on November 17, 2008

I've stripped a lot of the contact data out. I'll put up the .pdf later for those who want to see who Gen(r) McCaffrey visited during his latest swing through the region. Bottom line - things are looking up, and very much so - though always with a caveat that the enemy still has a vote. McCaffrey is not one to paint a rosy picture to soften a blow - as previous consumers of his AARs can attest!

For those of you on the cruise who were a little taken aback by Bing West's assertion during one of the panels that "The war in Iraq is over, we won!" (as I was, I admit), well, Bing may have read this document already. Or reached his own conclusions from his own sources. Things are looking up for that 2011 departure date.

