View Full Version : Iraq gets a taste of beer

10-14-08, 01:43 PM
I have been to war a few times and haven't won them all. Sometimes it was unclear if we won or lost but that's the gray area of politics and war.

Sometimes however, it's pretty clear that we won.

A beer hall in Iraq has held its own version of Munich's famous Oktoberfest party - complete with frothy steins, sausages, an oom-pah band and dirndi-clad waitresses.

German-born Gunter Voelker, owner of the Deutscher Hof Erbil restaurant in Irbil, in Kirdisg controlled Northern Iraq, says he wants to dispel the notion that Iraq isn't a holiday destination and insists beer is bringing people together.

A three day beer fest in Iraq? Wow!

Oh and Gunter, a couple of points here:

1. "Beer is bringing people together"..........ya think?

2. Iraq is still not a holiday destination for anyone except maybe Jimbo and me.

Good job though Gunter, keep up the good work.

Iraq gets a taste of beer

A beer hall in Iraq has held its own version of Munich's famous Oktoberfest party - complete with frothy steins, sausages, an oom-pah band and dirndl-clad waitresses.

German-born Gunter Voelker, owner of the Deutscher Hof Erbil restaurant in Irbil, in Kurdish controlled Northern Iraq, says he wants to dispel the notion that Iraq isn't a holiday destination and insists beer is bringing people together.

"We can make this festival with Iraqi people, Turkish people, Kurdish people, American people, German people, with (people from) all over the world in peace and in a real good mood," he said after the three-night party ended on Sunday.
