View Full Version : Pistol Qual Course 1970s?

09-22-08, 09:57 AM
Does anyone have the specs for the 45 pistol qualification course in the 1970s? I believe it is different than the current one. :usmc:

09-22-08, 01:27 PM
Do you think it would have been different than in '91? If not I can try to dig up my trash from coaches school. We had to qual with a .45 and a 9mm.

It was amusing too because when we would fire the ranges .45's, we would draw a bead and then cock our head out of the way in case the slide catch gave out and hope we broke paper. They were worn out pieces of fecal material.

09-22-08, 02:56 PM
I have the "Guidebook for Marines" from 1986. The book then shows the M9 and the 1911 with emphasis on the M9. The course described seems different. For one thing, I don't remember being allowed to use both hands, or quick reaction shooting. So I think it changed sometime after 1980. I last qualled with pistol in the Corps in 79. :usmc:

09-22-08, 03:01 PM
I'll see what I can research for ya.