View Full Version : Can you join if...

09-17-08, 02:29 AM
Let's say someone was caught shoplifting when they were a juvenile and they were offered a diversion program so it wont go on their record. They will be charged, but not convicted. Would they still...

09-17-08, 02:50 AM
This is how it is. When you are not yet a legal adult no crime you commit gets put on your criminal record UNLESS they try you as an adult in court. Which for that to happen you would of had to done something major. As long as you dont have any felony's on your adult record you can sign up. If you still have questions the best thing to do would be talk to your recruiter. Those guys get paid for this stuff, and I am sure the recruiter would love to talk to you about it.

09-17-08, 05:26 AM
You are wrong, LCpl. Being a juve doesn't stop anything from going on your record.

09-17-08, 06:02 AM
You can join with a shop lifting charge. It will be on your record. If you went to court and a judge or the prosecutor set you up with this diversion program then it counts. I am a Career Recruiter...

Zulu 36
09-17-08, 06:02 AM
Yep, and you will be signing releases to allow the recruiter to access those records too. You can refuse to sign and the recruiter can tell you to take a hike.

09-17-08, 06:08 AM
I am glad to see that standard hasn't changed. I am not sure what a diversion is but in NY state in the 80s when I wasa 8411 a lot of kids would do their deed and get a ACD (adjornment contemplating dismissal) This little ACD caused a lot of problems is a a judge thought they were helping the kid but in actuallity it was a hinderance because the Marine and Navy JAG looked at it as a probation, therefore a long road ahead for the recruiter to get the kid qualified. I always told my QMA and QWA to tell me the truth. Police checks only get the local record but with ACDs a broader spectrum was looked at as if what are they hiding.

Depending on where this kid lives may depend on success for that recruiter.

Semper Fi
Gunny out

09-17-08, 09:11 AM
It depends on where you come from. When I was a juvenille I had a charge of possesion, one of destruction of personal property, and a OWI. None of these were on my record because as a juvenille they...

09-17-08, 09:15 AM
These charges would still be what is called a self admittal. With the way we do security checks now days it WILL come out eventually.

09-17-08, 09:20 AM
This may be true GySgt but it is not going to stop him from being able to sign up which is what he was asking in the first place. The only time I have ever had it come up with my personal experience...