View Full Version : "C" 1/9 3rd PLT. 3RD SQ. 1967 - Anyone left

09-06-08, 10:15 AM
Hey, I attended the re-union in San Antone but saw no one
from my old squad or platoon that I knew. This saddens me for I know
now, as you do, we have began to depart this earth at the same rate as
WWII Veterans and that is quite high. I just wanna say howdy and send
my best wishes along......ALL you guys are in my thoughts and prayers.
The re-union in Texas was great fun, SUPER people there, wonderful
sitting and talking with other 'brothers' but just miss my old squad. Well,
may God Bless you all......wherever you are and whatever you're doing.

SF...> Chuck Sawyer "C" = Contruction Charlie 1/9 3rd Plt. 3rd Sq. 1967

:usmc: :flag: