View Full Version : Water Intake

08-29-08, 03:27 AM
Quick question,
During boot camp, do you control your water intake? Or do you line up and drink canteens through out the day? I know at night before hitting the rack, you line up and drink a canteen. I was wondering if you do that through the day too. Or do you just hydrate as much as you want.

Thank you.

08-29-08, 04:01 AM
My time in bootcamp we always had a full canteen on our hip and were periodically instructed to break it out and drink. Your hydration is a concern of the powers that be and one less thing for you to worry about.

08-29-08, 04:02 AM
Oh ok, well what i meant was when you are insturcted to hydrate, did you chug your whole canteen? Or sip?

08-29-08, 05:04 AM
Quick question,
do you line up and drink canteens through out the day? Or do you just hydrate as much as you want.


All of the above, They'll never deny your request to drink water, Whether it'd be during an inspection, class, anytime........and you are made to chug online as a platoon too.

08-29-08, 05:18 AM
Thank you for the responses.
Responses from people that have recently graduated from MCRD San Diego would also be greatly appriciated.

09-01-08, 01:44 PM
The only time we where ever made to chug as a plattoon was at night before hitting the rack. It was usually before a hike, or PT.

All the other times we where just told to drink. I never realized how much of a differance drinking actually helps until I got to MOS school, and started running the usual 6 miles. If you don't drink much, you start to cramp up, and thats not fun at all.

09-01-08, 03:05 PM
Oh ok, thanks for the response.

09-01-08, 03:31 PM
And be prepared to tip it upside down over your head and be prepared for what they do if too much comes out

09-01-08, 04:45 PM
Hmm let me guess. Getting IT? lol

Well thanks for the responses, i used to think it was every few hours or so, you would chug a canteen, but guess not. Which is good lol.

09-02-08, 01:42 AM
You've got the mando chug at night, but when you hydrate during the day be sure to sip. I saw many a wasted chow spew onto the quarterdeck because someone would chug their water and end up on IT just minutes afterward.