View Full Version : Just a little terrified...

08-21-08, 07:29 PM
So, I leave for boot camp September 22 and I'm going to San Diego and I'm really excited about it I can't wait to join and become a Marine but I am a little terrified about it. I don't know why I just kinda nervous if what happens if I fail, what if I don't make it and it kinda scares me. I am still highly motivated but still. I will do my best while there and I will hopefully pass, but did any of you ever get this feeling?

08-21-08, 07:34 PM
Everyone was terrified. Courage is not the absence of fear, but acting in spite of it. That's what they're looking for.

08-21-08, 08:10 PM
thats perfectly normal bro.

i was terrified on my way too the island.and your fear is only gonna go up,from the time you board the bus,to the time the D.I comes and makes you get off it,too the time you actually meet your drill instructors for the cycle. from there it is highs and lows of terrified,but intermixed with some good feelings (depending on how good your platoon is) lol you'll stop being afraid after the first few weeks,and by the end of the training NOBODY will scare you hehe.

08-21-08, 08:47 PM
If by chance a recruit should fail for whatever reason, even if its wussing out or fraudulent enlistment?___i know, you don't even want to consider failure an option___but it happens, and profound "failures" are HIGHLIGHTED checkpoints in life. (i've got a possibles bag full of them) Sobering harsh landmarks to study as guides and hash over when things get tough in the future, and they will. It's not always easy to get passed them but if you want to continue forward it helps to know where you've been and while the thought of failure stings and hollows out your gut, it's a master teacher. okay enough of that....

Good Luck and chilll dude


08-21-08, 08:56 PM
Relax, its normal. You are realizing you are about to take a big step and do another amazing thing in your life. :thumbup:

08-21-08, 09:01 PM
Hey Jeff,let me say this about being scared of boot camp.
Everybody is in the same boat,they're all shacking in their s*it.
After the first week or two you'll calm down a little.
Just remember that your DIs are there to help you.
Stay focused......:evilgrin:

08-21-08, 09:13 PM
So, I leave for boot camp September 22 and I'm going to San Diego and I'm really excited about it I can't wait to join and become a Marine but I am a little terrified about it. I don't know why I just kinda nervous if what happens if I fail, what if I don't make it and it kinda scares me. I am still highly motivated but still. I will do my best while there and I will hopefully pass, but did any of you ever get this feeling?
Its all mental man, and I'll be there with you too on the 22nd.
Just don't think about just do what your told and do it Good, thats what I'm going to do.
Hopefully see you on the 22nd at MCRDSD

08-21-08, 09:42 PM
Don't fret. It's a normal feeling we all went through (just echoing the words of others). Hell, my parents and my sister were at the recruiting station with me until my recruiter took me to MEPS. They didn't see me again until I claimed the title (3 months later). Just take a poop and you'll feel better.

08-21-08, 09:49 PM
Hope you aren't confusing fear with excitement. The adrenaline is going to start pumping now. Wait till you arrive.

08-22-08, 12:27 AM
Thank you all, it is very exciting I cant wait just don't want to fail. failure is not an option at this point so I cant do that. Thank you all for calming me down it did help. I'm sure I'll crap my pants at MCRDSD first time around.

08-22-08, 12:28 AM
Its all mental man, and I'll be there with you too on the 22nd.
Just don't think about just do what your told and do it Good, thats what I'm going to do.
Hopefully see you on the 22nd at MCRDSD

I hope I see you to man. I'll keep an eye out.

08-22-08, 01:19 AM
Keeping yourself motivated and having a high confidence will keep you from thinking about failing.
Don't think about what will happen if you fail, think about what you should do to succeed. When I passed the IST it filled me with so much motivation I refuse to let anything get in my way of my future.

I'm shipping out on Monday and I'm more anxious than anything.

08-22-08, 07:08 AM
People fail all the time in life...You just have to keep a positive mind & things will work-out. As the Marines have said before the fear is normal, if you weren't afraid or nervous I'd say you weren't human or you're lying. Just think positive & things will happen the way they are meant to!!!

08-22-08, 12:53 PM
I hope I see you to man. I'll keep an eye out.
I'll be looking as well man

08-22-08, 12:55 PM
Keeping yourself motivated and having a high confidence will keep you from thinking about failing.
Don't think about what will happen if you fail, think about what you should do to succeed. When I passed the IST it filled me with so much motivation I refuse to let anything get in my way of my future.

I'm shipping out on Monday and I'm more anxious than anything.
I'm five weeks out and I can't get to sleep cause I'm so excited, its crazy ha.

08-22-08, 01:00 PM
It is normal,we were all scared when we shipped out.Just stay focused and motivated and you will do fine.Keep us updated Poolee,we would like to here from you after you have earned your title.

08-23-08, 05:48 PM
Everybody gets freaked out when you do something like that. It's like driving with a blindfold on - you don't know what the bloody hell is going to happen. Obviously you had enough of an ego to think you could attempt to do it by even signing that DEP contract. I'll give you the same advice everyone on here gave me before I left for boot, which was to take one day at a time there, or even one task at a time. If you think of everything all at once cumulatively, you're just going to freak yourself out. When you look back on it, you'll realise it wasn't that bad. And you will be a stronger person for it. You'll be a Marine.

08-23-08, 08:14 PM
Fear is normal and expected when facing the unknown. What separates you from the rest of the population is how you handle that fear. You will face things that scare you all through boot camp. It is normal. All of us on here that earned the title faced that fear and walked through it.
Keep a positive mental attitude. Speak success over yourself. Never speak and ponder failure. Believe in the power of the tongue. It can speak life and success or death and failure.
Failure because your body failed you or you couldn't mentally hack it creates a learning experience. Successful people learn from those failures.
You will succeed. There is no other option. GO GET SOME!!

08-23-08, 09:48 PM
Thank you guys and it was just one of those oh sh*t life just smacked me in the face. Have them all the time when I'm about to take a huge step had them before high school graduation. Having them now but now I'm all good. I'll have them again but now I'm VERY excited. I can't wait!