View Full Version : Question for Recruiters PLZ HELP!!!

08-04-08, 11:50 PM
Ok I just got my final grade for my communications class in college. It is a 100 level or above. And It is one of the classes I need to pass to be able to enlist with GED and get PFC. My question is, I got a D+ in that class does that count as passing or failing, because I understand SUNY colleges don't accept D+ transfers. Can anyone help me out with this, is this no problem or does this mean I cant DEP in?:scared:

08-05-08, 12:24 AM
I don't know for sure, but where I live anything not an F is passing. Anything with an F is failing.

08-05-08, 02:26 AM
Yeah I know, but I was just thinking that since 4 year colleges don't transfer over D's that maybe the Marine Corps would have a problem with it. Which is why I was wondering. I know a D+ is a passing grade, just want to make sure its passing for the Marine Corps.

08-05-08, 11:12 AM
That is a question to ask your school. As long as you got credit for the class, your good. I would double check and contact the school.

08-05-08, 11:15 AM
I believe SUNY Maritime takes transfers.