View Full Version : Another Good Military Story Missed by the Media

07-26-08, 08:10 AM
Another Good Military Story Missed by the Media
Posted By Subsunk

Heck, we here at B5 even missed it....almost.

CPT Brian Erickson received the Distinguished Flying Cross two weeks ago, for action in Afghanistan against an enemy who had pinned down a German Reconstruction Team. Good flying CPT Erickson.

On Oct. 16, 2006, Erickson and a wingman were called in to help six German soldiers pinned down by insurgents firing rockets, machine guns and small-arms.

"As Captain Erickson flew his A-10 deep into the moonless valley, the only light on the ground was from insurgent weapons-fire," the Air Force reported.

And then there's this one.

Chief Warrant Officer 5 David Cooper received the Distinguished Service Cross for actions in Iraq in defense of an outgunned Special Forces team on the ground during action in 2006 northwest of Baghdad.

The four troop-carrying helicopters landed beside the crippled helicopter immediately. The special operators jumped off, checked on the pilots of the crashed aircraft and then set up a perimeter.

The Black Hawks quickly evacuated the pilots of the stricken aircraft, leaving 18 to 20 ground troops, plus the two MH-6s and their four pilots. Cooper declined to identify which unit the troops came from, beyond calling them “friendly special operations forces,” but the 160th forms part of the Joint Special Operations Command task force in Iraq, where it typically flies special operators from Delta Force, Naval Special Warfare Development Group and the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Cooper and his co-pilot stayed airborne for several minutes to make sure the position was safe, then, seeing no enemy forces, he landed.

After about 40 minutes, several trucks with anti-aircraft machine guns approached their location. Unsure whether these belonged to Iraqi police, a local militia or enemy fighters, the senior ground force non-commissioned officer asked Cooper to get airborne and check them out. The question was answered when the gun trucks opened fire on the small special ops force.

Do our Men have what it takes or not? Because its obvious our media doesn't.

