View Full Version : Getting to know each other by the music...

06-13-08, 06:52 PM
of our times. American music can be an identifier of eras, and by it we can, and have related to each other by it. This I say as a very amatueristic musician.
Never the less, I think this therory has a great deal of truth behind it. If a person tells a story within an era in American history it is given a more profound meaning to those who read it by the mentioning of the hit parade of the time. For instance, if one relates a story of WW2 and within the story is mentioned a radio playing Benny Goodman or Duke Ellington (I like A Train personally having played the trumpet) one is transported deeper into the era being spoken of. For since the time the call to arms was accompanied by the fife and drum America has a history that has been accompanied by music. So we all can think, and relate to, in our minds, a time in American history, when, according to the music of the day, we have a rememberance of America. Even if we weren't even born when the music was played, we have in our minds a picture of America during that era. (Again, when I heart A Train, though I wasn't born, I think of America during the war years and bustling with energy. Or during my years as a 10 year old when I hear Hendrix's Star Spangle Banner I think of Woodstock and the VN war.)

So now with an abilty to show ourselves to each other by the computer age we can explain our roots to each other by the music that shape our thoughts, desires and understanding of the world around us, for good or for evil, I propose we introduce ourselves to each other by the music of our time. This idea has come to me by an earlier thread in which the Beatles was discussed and one of our disguinished members revealed himslf to be a hippy. (Only kidding. Regardless of the music preferred by anyone individual, if that individual became a Marine [OO-RAH], he is a brother of time to me just as those who raised the flag on Iwo Jima exaclty 14 years to the day of my birth. Who can forget Jonny Cash's song about Ira Hayes.)
OK just to start this and to show what I mean I'll start with a song that me and a buddy sung on guard duty in PI. This song was about a year old when we sang it as we walked the perimeter on PI. Anytime I hear this song I'm taken back to that day in PI and remember that the sky had a few puffy clouds scattered here and there and we were on mainside. Where were you then?


06-13-08, 07:20 PM
For better or for worse this is one song I'll remember the squad bay of Camp LeJuenne in the late 70's by.


Jim Oliver
06-13-08, 08:38 PM

Holy Smokes! I'm really old.

My most remembered song....Brown Sugar