View Full Version : Update on Seoke

05-01-08, 06:46 PM
Just thought I'd give you all a quick update while I have a second. I've been extremely busy trying to get out of here and to MCRD SD.

ASVAB: (I took this on 30 mins of sleep. I originally took it a month before but it turned out to be invalid since it was at a MET site and that's invalid since I'm prior service =/ Lost 12 points on my AFQT)

AFQT: 75
GT: 120
EL: 125
CL: 109
MM: 124

My ship date is on this coming Monday, I'll be leaving the house here on Sunday morning so that I can drive down to San Jose MEPS.

I've gotten all three of my character references done and the recruiter is now sending them to MEPS.

My physical was near perfect (One eye is 20/40 the other is 20/20)

Hopefull MOS: 03xx Infantry... If theres not a slot for that open then we'll see. If theres none that I KNOW I would completely enjoy I think I'm going to be going Open Contract. I really want to get out of here =P

Anyways wish me luck. Anyone that wants to write me in bootcamp just PM Davblay and I'll have him send you my address from when I'm in boot.

I'm extermely excited and motivated to go, only a few days left. Wish me luck!

Donut Brigade
05-01-08, 07:00 PM
Good luck on your quest poolee! :flag:

05-01-08, 07:30 PM
http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60314 :marine:

Good luck and GOD Speed.


Big Jim
05-01-08, 07:59 PM
Good luck, my friend! You have the knowledge, the ability and the determination! Now, go show the world you have what it takes!! GET THAT TITLE!!!

05-01-08, 09:52 PM
ahhh! you kinda suck... you didn't get to go play in the sand with the fleas! I was hoping you can go say hello to my family of sand fleas! I think they still got family there. What makes that possible is the military bearing! you can't move to kill them! hahaa... enjoy the hills pal! remember to not complain about those shin splints!

05-05-08, 04:24 PM
Lol yet again another delay, they didnt get my character references in on time I guess for me to leave this week... so yet again I'm waiting another week due to MEPS being slow...

05-05-08, 07:39 PM
Since you have another week before you leave sit back chill, spend time with mom and pop and if you have a girlfriend get some loving. Well if i don't get to talk to you before you leave.....Good Luck and remember once you make it we will all be proud to call you brother.

:marine: :flag: SEMPER FI 4 LIFE