View Full Version : Color Blind Questions

04-23-08, 02:32 PM
I'm currently an Army Cadet, but in a recent medical I came to find out that I'm Color Deficient, meaning that Infantry is a No-Go. After venting off my frustration I did some research and came to find out that the Corp does accept Color Deficient recruits into Infantry. I followed up with a Corp recruiter and he confirmed. I further inquired about color requirements in Recon and the recruiter was unsure. I looked around on the net and I came across some info stating that I need to be able to tell Vivid Red and Vivid Green, which I can do; my question is: How do they test for this? Do they use FALANT tests, or something else?


04-23-08, 02:37 PM
FALANT lamp tests are the official method. When I enlisted they still had the cards at MEPS though- so I don't know about now. Do not let them put that you are color deficient into your records unless you've proven it by failing the lamp test. If it is there you will not get around it easily.

And just to add, John Wayne was not a Marine- he just played one in some movies.

04-23-08, 02:44 PM
i didn't know there were different ways to detect colorblindness- though it makes sense. When I went to MEPS this past December they had the cards.

04-23-08, 03:03 PM
The cards and FALANT test are the two they use. If you fail the cards, they give you the FALANT. There are other tests an optometrist can perform to determine the level of color blindness, but I don't think the military accepts them.

04-23-08, 03:42 PM
To tell vivid red and vivid green they use the tests. There are other tests- some even I can pass. Sadly, the military is smarter than the FAA and knows that if you look long enough you'll find a test you can pass.

04-23-08, 05:52 PM
Understood. I feel that I need to retake the FALANT test. I am OK with being color deficient but I really feel that I can pass the red/green. On the FALANT I missed two slides. W/W, and G/W. But before I go making ripples with either my cadre or recruiters I want to retake the FALANT at a private Optometrist.

Regardless, gathering from your answers I'm assuming that Recon takes the MEPS Eye Exams as the final word for Color Blindness? Or, do they do a separate test when you request a Recon slot?

- S

04-23-08, 07:34 PM
I am OK with being color deficient....Color blind folks are known to be good spotters. Elk in the bresh, lizards on a tree branch, humans covered in lame cammo

04-23-08, 08:24 PM
Slinger you're right. The rules that keep color blind people out of some jobs are often asinine because the policy makers don't really understand what they're doing.

That being said, they will take MEPS word for it. If you push hard enough you may be able to retest, but it will be through military docs, not your own.

Not to be harsh, but you probably wouldn't make it to recon anyway. Most people that want it before they enlist never try it. Those that do try usually fail to get past the indoc. Thus, you'll be best served by setting your sights on infantry and then hoping and training for the best.

For what it is worth, the requirement to have normal color vision for 11B in the Army is asinine. It must be new, maybe when they merged their jobs because when I got out and was considering the National Guard they did not have that requirement.

04-24-08, 12:59 PM
I DEPed in September knowing I was Color Blind, hoping to get tanks. I completely failed the card test. They brought me in for a second light test. When i filled out my contract and saw the list of jobs i had to choose there were many jobs combat related including: infantry, artillery, and combat engineer. The only jobs i couldn't do was anything to do with Aviation and tanks, including electronics and mechanics of the vehicles. However, I recieved my second choice of jobs and am ready to go.

04-25-08, 11:43 PM
I concur on the Color Blind policies being assinine...but then again I'm slightly biased. As for me not making Recon, you may very well be right... It's one thing not making it because I don't meet the fitness standards, but not being give the chance...

I was looking at joining a LRS (Long Range Surveillance) unit in the Army, now since that is a No-Go...what are similar units within the Corps? I'm shooting for a Rifleman slot, but would like to know what units to strive for besides recon?