View Full Version : Treating feet blisters?

04-19-08, 05:22 PM
I just got back from the pool function humping 5 miles with ALICE packs, kevlar, flak, and mandatory footwear of boots (I swear the guidon magically turns into a lead weight as soon as you get a...

04-19-08, 06:05 PM
DO NOT POP,,,,,,,,,The skin underneath the blister needs time to mature. Next time, wear girls stockings 'nylons' under your socks. Knee Highs... Stops the rub. Don't worry about your ego. We will understand.

04-19-08, 06:09 PM
Done a 15 mile force march on black top the last Jan. 65 in Hawaii Had new boots on. My feet were a bloody mess. The Gunny (Gunny Ray) told me how to stop that.First put dress socks on then turn your boot cooks inside out. I have not had a blister scents

04-19-08, 06:16 PM
Did 25 miles,,,, Feet not the problem. Pack straps rubbing shoulders to the bone was the problem. You can toughin your feet by soaking them in formaldehyde.

04-19-08, 06:31 PM
Vaseline will protect your tenderfeet and get you back in the hunt. Lay it on thick under your sock and inside your boot where its cutting you, then get back to work

04-19-08, 06:50 PM
Mole skin that also can help for some.

Big Jim
04-19-08, 08:24 PM
I never had any blisters during boot or otherwise...even during all the marches, all the boots and utes runs or anything! We had a junk on the bunk in Charlies when I was at Camp Foster and we went down to the 3/12 chowhall to eat and during that short walk...I rubbed a small blister on the back of my foot! Unreal!! Our Corpsman wa the coolest guy though...he was always telling the guys if the blister is bigger than a dime, pop it and treat it for an infection, soak it and bandage it. If its smaller than a dime...leave it alone and it will take care of itself! Since then I've gotten a few blisters but still very rare...but I followed this advice and its always worked!

04-19-08, 09:52 PM
What I did in the fleet during my 25 mile humps (with 70-85 lbs rucks and crew serve weapons) was i shaved my feet yeah i got hobbit feet and my ankles and put mole skin on the spots that i learned where hot spots that would give me problems than duc taped the mole skin up (and duc taped well my entire feet) than put on white socks than dress socks than boot socks to provide a proper place for the sweat to go. Always wore my jungle boots as well. As for letting them heal i just mole skinned up the bad areas and kept in running shoes when i had to go some where or shower shoes don't pop the things and let em' air out for a few days it will get better. The humps will only get longer and the weight heavier as your years go on. We used Mt rucks when we went on humps basically an alice pack that hold 3x more ****, so i cut up an ISO mat and duc taped it to my shoulder pads for more help as well as putting more ISO mat on the frame to help with those hot spots. You won't be able to do much of this in boot camp but it will help you out in the fleet.