View Full Version : Love and Marriage in the Corps!

03-20-08, 01:05 AM
It seems that with the change of the seasons, and the moon, we are getting a (shall we say) new breed of poolees in this site! The most important question that has come up often is marriage and girlfriends/boyfriends. With all of us old salts on this site, we have given every concievable piece of advice and the poolees have rejected them all. They want to live with their signifcate other on base or of base, they want benefits for that, they want to drive thier cars and store them at MCRD, they want to know if the other person can stay in town during taining, if they can stay during SOI or MOS school.

They want to know about direct deposit of thier pay, the cost of uniforms and how this might affect a relationship and what not!

Now, knowing what we (old salts) know now ( not what we knew then), what advice would you give these people? Please use plain comments and statements that all can understand.

Thanks Marines, and remember this is for the information for our poolees, not us! Don't be shy, speak up!
