View Full Version : Yet another hurdle to overcome...

03-14-08, 12:18 PM
A little incident at work today. Heres the story...

So it was a normal day today, and about a hour and a half into the day, I was making my loads like always, then a customer called and cancelled their order. To make this a clear story, I run the upper yard at a lumber company, I make loads for customers that call in then the drivers take it to the sites. Anyways, when the customer cancelled the order I had to take everything back and put it back in it's place. So while i'm doing that, a fellow worker is on the opposite side of me making his own load. Well when he was doing that and the load was on his forklift, he put it into forward instead of reverse. So the entire load comes crashing down on me. Obviously I couldnt move out of the way quick enough, but luck was on my side today and that load wasnt very big. I'm good to go besides a couple bruises. But the problem is I have SEVERE pain in my left shoulder. Bossman gave me the rest of the day off, and the company is paying for my doctor visit so I can get a MRI. I have a appointment at noon thirty, and I will find out if there are any torn muscles or anything in my shoulder. I'm so flippin nervous ya'll have no idea lol. I'm just hoping, hoping, HOPING, that nothing is torn and it's just some pulled mucles. So i'll find everything out in a few hours then let everyone know whats goin down. So until then it's ibuprofen and ice, ice, ice :).

03-14-08, 12:47 PM
looking in the mirror with your shirt off does the injured shoulder appear to be dropped

03-14-08, 12:57 PM
Not really dropped but it's pretty swollen.

Phantom Blooper
03-14-08, 02:59 PM
Good luck to you...hope there is no damage to you that is permanent..that would hinder you from leaving for boot camp.:evilgrin:

03-14-08, 04:12 PM
Just doesn't sound good but you young pups should heal fast.

03-14-08, 04:53 PM
WHOOO!! GREAT NEWS! Just a seperated shoulder! Ok not great news but it's WAY better than what I was expecting. Doc said heat, ice, ibuprofen or whatever I have, and a sling for the next 4-6 weeks. Instructions are, to try to keep my arm as limited in mobility as possible. Only been home for a few minutes and i'm already thinking about work tonight lol. Anyways i'll have some time on my hands for the next month or so, so my post count will go way up haha. Anyways just thought I would share the "good" news.