View Full Version : Marine training not at fault for video

03-11-08, 04:14 AM
By C.A. Madden, retired USMC chief warrant officer
Marine training not at fault for video

To suggest any Marine is deployed with as little as three months training as Mr. Kershaw did in Wednesday's Viewpoints is completely incorrect.

Recruit training, or boot camp, is in itself three months. The advanced occupational training all Marines receive continues that initial period. Prior to deployment, the Marine and his or her unit are again trained to recognize threat, risks and operational commitments. The Unit Deployment Program is generally 90 days or longer.

Mr. Kershaw's comments seem incorrect and an issue of integrity if he is a Marine.

To suggest that men and women of the armed forces are robots just completely disrespect to those who serve. I would suggest Mr. Kershaw's opinion reflect the robot approach in that he is unable to objectively think for himself.

According to the laws of war and armed conflict, supported by the Uniformed Code of Military Justice, simple human morality governs the conduct of all armed forces. The training all military members receive address unlawful and illegal orders.

As a retired Marine, I will defend Mr. Kershaw's right of expression, but personally I find it hard to stand beside him in defense of his opinion or position. The training he suggests he received draws deeply from the roots of tradition and honesty. I fail to see the traditional values of the military in his column.

A young man made a poor choice; the Marine Corps did not build that kind of conduct into any individual.
