View Full Version : Command And Control Systems Help!!

02-27-08, 11:36 PM
I was looking into the MOS of command and control systems and i wanted to know how it is. So if you can give me some information about it that would be great.


04-04-08, 08:32 PM
Did you find any info?

04-05-08, 09:38 AM
Hey, after searching, the forums, I found something for you, since I'm in the same situation, since I was unsure to accept this MOS (since it included a 10K bonus), and turn down Data Systems or Avionics, which is what I wanted...

As far as in the CivDiv, Comm MOSes are great for porting over. If you end up as an 0622 (MUXster), you can get a job working with cellular providers watching cell towers, setting up cell sites, etc., starting at around 60K/year. Wiremen can end up working for phone companies as well doing line work, etc. Radio operators, well, just use your common sense on that one. SATCOM/TRAC-170 operators, etc., can get a job with satellite communications firms, etc. Comm is a great OccField to get into as far as training that can be ported over to the civilian world. Comm units are also generally great groups of Marines to work with, 'cause you gotta have at least a half-functioning brain housing group to work on the gear, and most everyone has some sort of security clearance, which means there's an incentive to not be a ****bag and get NJPed, so you it's a little easier to keep your nose clean.

Check out the 29 Palms website (that's comm school)