View Full Version : Challenge Coin

02-07-08, 01:51 PM
Challenge Coin <br />
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Military challenge coins are also known as military coins, unit coins, memorial coins, unit challenge coins, or commander's coin. The coin represents affiliation, support or...

02-07-08, 05:14 PM
... a short I've been working on. I call it.... <br />
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The tale of a Challenge Coin <br />
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Last year before a friend of the family shipped of to Iraq, I felt the calling to issue a challenge. ‘Emily’ is a...

02-07-08, 05:15 PM
A picture, once I get it loaded up.

02-07-08, 05:32 PM

THAT, is an outstanding story!!

Thanks for sharing.

02-07-08, 07:17 PM
This is my CREED Coin.
There are many like it but this one is MINE.... ALL MINE !!:iwo:

C:\My Documents\My Pictures\creedcoin.jpg

I've got a few that have been collected or given to me over the years. But this one by far, means the most.:flag:

02-07-08, 07:28 PM

02-07-08, 08:50 PM
Brought tears to my eyes.. Semper Fi~

02-11-08, 04:27 PM
Thank you for that Story...

Is it wrong to challenge a marine at work?

03-04-08, 10:59 PM
Challenge A Marine Anywhere, Even At Work. He/she Should Carry One. The Prize Can Be Produced At A Later Time To Be Determined By The Challenger.

03-05-08, 01:18 PM
Since leaving the Corps I now work as a consultant. On one such contract, I happened to be working with a bunch of Ranger Bn Soldiers in Florida. At the end of the day they asked me and a couple other contractors if we wanted to hit the town. I said sure and met them at a club a little later. Well the beer started flowin' and they started jaw-jackin when one of them whipped out a challenge coin. (I think it was a Sgt Maj coin or something equally high in rank.) Well they all started throwing them down to see who bought the next round. They paused when I reached in my pocket and slammed down a coin with my hand over it. When I picked up my hand they all groaned, I had a glowing Sec Def coin sitting there. One of them blurts out, (yep, he earned a Bill Engvall sign right there), "Where did you get that ?!" I just looked at him and said, "Never mind, buy my drink." I did eventually ttell the story. (Got it from Rummey in Bucharest, Romania when he came for a Secretary/Minister of Defense Summit in 2004, I was standing Post there at the Embassy.)

I still carry that sucker everywhere I go, you just never know. :marine: