View Full Version : Stand By Our Troop FREE eCards -- to support troops...

04-12-03, 12:39 PM
Stand By Our Troop FREE eCards -- to support troops...

My name is Roz Fruchtman. I am a digital artist living in the Bronx, NY. Those that know me know that I tend to express my feelings through my art in such times as we are going through right now, so...

As my contribution as an American I have created a way for our troops (those with Internet access), their families, friends, loved ones or anyone just wanting to show their support and/or to keep in touch with specially designed patriotic eCards.

To access the site go to:

Stand By Our Troops

If this site can bring some comfort to at least one person or family then it would have been worth the effort. While I don't have anyone away personally, I feel like all our troops are related in some way... at least as fellow Americans. They are ALL brave and deserve our recognition and support.

These eCards are a way to say... THANK YOU, I / WE SUPPORT YOU!!! COME HOME SAFE!

I hope you will see fit to share this site with others! All I wish to achieve for myself is the satisfaction in knowing that my endeavor made a difference -- no matter how small -- in someone else's life!

God Bless Us All and God Bless America!

Roz Fruchtman mailto:roz@designsbydaybreak.com
FREE eCards -- STAND BY OUR TROOPS http://www.StandByOurTroops.us

"Support Our Soldiers"

United We Stand
God Bless America

Remember our POW/MIA's
I'll never forget!

