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04-10-03, 02:00 AM

The Shock of Truth Is Blowing Minds

Exclusive commentary by Patrick Rooney

Apr 7, 2003

George Bush has done something remarkable—his relentless prosecution of the war on terrorism has had the effect of a hand grenade, tossed into the collective minds of the world’s doubters.

Some conservatives like myself have had our assumptions challenged. I once looked at the world as kind of a losing proposition. I saw the corruption and billowing federalism in America. Though I could see improvements on a small scale around me, our Founding Fathers’ vision of a shining beacon on a hill was slipping away: government and internationalists’ power constantly growing; social problems continuing to worsen. In short, victory on a worldwide scale for the forces of good seemed impossible.

I no longer believe that.

For the greatest force for good in the world is embodied in the United States of America. We have the wisest leader; and the strongest, best equipped military in the world. Most important of all, we have the American people, much more resilient and powerful than their enemies—or even they themselves—may have previously realized.

A spiritual equation has been proven—good is stronger than evil, and will always win when it is fully employed.

The forces of evil in this world have likewise been hit by the same concussive blast. They are disoriented and shocked. Saddam Hussein and his wicked cohorts are receiving their just desserts.

Enemies like North Korea, Iran, Syria, China, and others have now straightened up and taken notice—Bush don’t play.

Our most dangerous foe, the morally inferior enemy within, is in shock too—the rules of the game have changed and no one’s told them! The Hollywood left, for instance, used to routinely viciously attack conservatives or the president without penalty. That was then.

Now ask the Dixie Chicks what’s happened to their careers when they downgraded our president on foreign soil. Ask Susan Sarandon, whose kooky activism lost her a United Way gig.

Ask Peter Arnett, the Goebbels of Baghdad. After his recent traitorous comments which aided and abetted the enemy, NBC, facing viewer heat, fired him as quick as the networks used to dump politically incorrect folks like Jimmy the Greek.

Fox News Channel has been responsible for a lot of this—God Bless ‘em! The truth is finally being broadcast. Bill O’Reilly—a real journalist—is number one now, not “Mr. Softball” Larry King. There is a God!

Some of these media people still don’t get it. The anti-Bush Katie Couric still thinks we’re buying her phony “sweet as pie” persona. She’s going to be in for a rude awakening. Even the idiotic Michael Moore, he of Oscar’s speech infamy, will see his comeuppance. So will Madonna, who recently had to pull back her video showing the aging entertainer tossing a grenade into the lap of a President Bush look-alike. The negative blowback from this outrageous and desperate act will likely catch her unawares and unprepared.

The wholly unprincipled Democratic contenders have had their minds blown as well. First there was Tom Daschle’s ill-timed and partisan remarks against the president; now John Kerry has felt the wrath of the American people. What kind of man, himself in government, would make a statement in the whitest heat of wartime saying that we need a “regime change” in America, thereby likening our president to Saddam Hussein?!

Once upon a time, competing politicians at least had the decency and humanity to close ranks once we were engaged in foreign warfare. No longer. We are now in the age of classless ex-presidents like Carter and Clinton. The American people, and history, will not be kind to these fools.

The college knee-jerk anti-war crowd is shocked too. They had the Vietnam playbook, and merely plugged it in thinking it was a cookbook which would produce predictable results. Knock, knock, guys: Iraq ain’t Vietnam, pass it on!

The black community too is undergoing an upheaval of interesting proportions. The daily images of Secretary of State Colin Powell and Brigadier General Vincent Brooks, both handling their jobs with class, has had a positive effect on blacks viewers. I’ve even seen (gasp!) black preachers like Eddie Long voice support for the war effort.

There is truly a war within a war playing out now. A war in the homes…schools… media…Hollywood…music business…churches…in black and Hispanic America too. It’s a war for our hearts and minds, and it’s on!

An era is ending—the era of dominant evil. It has held power for so long. Too long. But alas, the light of day is coming. The old order and the emperor’s new clothes have been exposed. Yes, he is naked, and is he ugly!

This is why we see so much desperation worldwide. It is actually a good thing to witness because it has brought all of our enemies out into the cold light.

Everything the president has said about the Iraqi regime is showing itself to be true. These are brutal, wicked beings. There is no difference between Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Hitler just built himself more military means and public relations power and succeeded in murdering more human beings than Hussein. The only difference of note here is that George Bush is not Neville Chamberlain.

The minds of our one-time allies France and Germany, and even neighbors Canada and Mexico, have blown too. Where can they credibly position themselves after their public betrayal and our subsequent victory?

And what of the United Nations? The collective mind of the U.N. is in shock. The president has shown the world we don’t need them, that they are dead weight—or worse. I pray their days are numbered.

The shock of truth is blowing minds and changing the face of the world. It is bringing our friends closer, and scaring the hell out of our enemies. Here’s to it, and to a president who understands its necessity.


Patrick Rooney is the Director of Special Projects at BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny, a nonprofit organization dedicated to “Rebuilding the Family By Rebuilding the Man.”

For more information, please visit www.bondinfo.org , call 1-800-411-BOND (2663), or write to feedback@washingtondispatch.com.