View Full Version : The Tipping of West Rasheed, Part One

12-04-07, 08:28 AM
The Tipping of West Rasheed, Part One
Posted By Laughing_Wolf

In a proverbial smoke-filled room, political decisions were being made. Towards one end of the hall sat the host and leader, and the decorum that is the norm for such a hall was being maintained. On the other end of the hall, the decorum gave way to a passionate and spirited discussion between several men over the topic at hand. If not for the hookahs, robes, and low tables for glasses of chai, it could easily have been a scene from Chicago ward politics -- or from politics in almost any city in the United States.

Indeed, away from voters and the press, such a meeting would likely have gone from spirited to outright shouting and more. Instead, at this meeting, at least one of the spirited debaters stepped too far over the lines of conduct within the sheik's hall, and went outside to pray and effectively perform penance for that violation. The debate and discussions continued, until a consensus was built so that security efforts could advance under unified leadership and prosperity could continue to return to West Rasheed.

The story of West Rashid is, like the district itself, a study in contrasts. Within the district, Sunni and Shia have long worked together side-by-side and, for the most part, gotten along well. So well, in fact, that marriages have taken place between the two groups. Yet, it is a clearly Sunni dominated district and has seen its share of problems as well.

The majority of West Rasheed is not simply suburban, but rural farmland that lies south of the Baghdad airport and runs east towards the Tigris river. The fine, somewhat dark soil is fertile, and with the gift of water produces good crops and tasty fruits. This area is very reminiscent of the southern part of Georgia and the northernmost part of Florida. The many canals can be, and often are, mistaken for modern wide paved roads by those looking at satellite views. While there are major highways that do border the area, the majority of roads are narrow and often unpaved as they follow the canals through farms and small villages.

The remainder, in the northeast corner, is urban and comprises the southeastern part of what many consider Baghdad proper including Aamel, Jihad, Risala, and Saydiyah. These are not the nicest areas of Baghdad, and never have been; but, they now are some of the most hotly contested areas of the city, for with them goes the hopes of those seeking a better tomorrow, those seeking power, and those who wish to see any form of peace or prosperity eliminated.

It is an area where Sunni enclaves are facing “Shia-fication” as powerful interests seek to drive the Sunni out of Baghdad; and, it is an area where the Shia militias have freely operated and attempted to spread out from urban Baghdad to attack and disrupt Sunni areas. As Captain Lee Showman of Task Force 1-18 (Vanguards) of the storied 1st Infantry Division notes, “Since we arrived in West Rasheed we have seen the Sunni population driven from the urban areas of Aamel, Jihad, and Risalah, an ongoing attempt to drive all Sunnis from Saydiyah…”

Nine months ago, this area was "al Qaeda Central" and was not only an area of combat, but also a major route into Baghdad for terrorists. It was an area in which kidnappings, murders, direct attacks, snipers, IEDs, and more threatened not only Coalition troops, but the locals as well. It was truly hostile ground, and as Capt. Showman notes in a bit of understatement, it was and is an “…interesting area with an enormous amount of dynamics which make it an extremely difficult counterinsurgency fight.”

Within the rural areas that make up most of West Rasheed, the canals were becoming overgrown with reeds and other plants, and water was becoming an issue. Even if water mains and other supplies were not being cut off by various governmental entities in Baghdad, the canals were increasingly choked. Wells in the area bring up water that is salty, and needing treatement before it can be used on fields. With the violence, markets, meat processing plants, salt factories, and other businesses were closed – making farmers and workers both unemployed. The grim economic conditions dragged down an already desperate area.

By the middle of September, however, it was a relative bastion of peace and resurgent prosperity -- at least in the rural areas. Farms were producing not only enough for themselves, but to sell as well. Plans were underway to re-open markets, or create new ones. Meetings were being held about re-opening factories, increasing security at critical areas, and clearing canals that had not already been dealt with. Grants and outside development funds were being awarded towards a variety of projects aimed at not just restoring what was, but making resources better and more widely available than before.

While the urban areas were still in flux, it was also clear that the Awakening was forcing its way in there as well. While there is still danger and efforts to undermine or reverse, West Rasheed has tipped.

This dramatic and rapid change was the result of three things converging to create a force for change that is now poised to move into Baghdad proper. The first is the Anbar Awakening, which has been moving east following the Euphrates river as it flows towards the Gulf. The second is the arrival of Team Easy, the provisional Echo Company of the 1/18th. The third was the arrival of Gen. Petraus and the implementation of modern COIN strategy.


12-04-07, 08:30 AM
The Tipping of West Rasheed, Part Two <br />
Posted By Laughing_Wolf <br />
<br />
The seed of the tipping lies in far western Anbar, in the collection of villages known as Al Qa'im. The village itself is one of the...

12-05-07, 09:01 AM
The Tipping of West Rasheed, Part Three
Posted By Laughing_Wolf

In many respects, the tipping of West Rasheed is the story of two E’s. One E is Combat Outpost Ellis, known to the world as COP Ellis. The other is Echo Company, Team Easy, a provisional company created by the Vanguards, Task Force 1-18, Second Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, the fabled Big Red One. Within that, it is a story of blood price paid, heroism, courage, and determination – on the part of the Soldiers and local Iraqis.

COP Ellis deserves its own segment in this saga. While it can’t be said that West Rasheed would not have tipped without it, it can be stated that things would have gone very differently and at a very different pace. Positioned in the heart of the rural section, it provided not merely a base for the troops, but also a secure location for local interaction as well as a commitment to that process made tangible.

That tangible commitment nearly didn’t happen. While there were those who felt an outpost was needed in the rural area and away from FOB Falcon, it was also recognized that any such outpost would be very exposed in a hostile area. Was it worth putting lives at risk and/or paying a blood price to establish such a post? Could it interdict sufficient acitivity to be worthwhile? Was it possible to use the base to do more? Why not just run patrols out of FOB Falcon in keeping with the Super FOB concept?

These were questions that had no easy answers, and were debated at FOB Falcon and higher from all reports. Yet, signs of the awakening were there. Captain Lee Showman notes, “While we saw the cleansing occurring in the urban parts of our AO, the Anbar Awakening swept east from Fallujah and Ramadi into our Radwaniyah area.” The decision was made to proceed with COP Ellis, because of that and because it would put forces in a good position to respond rapidly to events and opportunities in the rural area.

Construction began around March by Combat 128 of the 1-18th, and a base began to take shape. Yet, the future was not guaranteed. There were those who questioned the utility, and a blood price was being paid. With the arrival of the surge, troops were being required in urban Baghdad for support and operations there. Consideration was, according to various sources, being given to halting work and abandoning the base so that the troops could be used for that purpose. Yet, the final blood price, which claimed three lives, had the opposite effect.

The troops were filled with a resolve that their friends should not have died in vain. Local leadership saw the awakening hitting the area, and knew that COP Ellis could be a vital factor in encouraging that and reconciliation – even though, according to Lt. Col. George Glaze, commander of Task Force 1-18, it was “…a sector we were not sure how to solve.” They knew, however, what to do and their petition to higher was granted.

To meet all the demands, Task Force 1-18 got creative. They created a provisional company, Echo, which took over COP Ellis in June; and, they gave it the leadership it needed to succeed: Captain Rob Summers and First Sergeant Timothy Wilcoxen.

This team faced some formidable challenges. They were creating and leading a provisional company that had just been stood up; there was controversy in the media about the COP and the troops there; and, the insurgency was extremely active. On the bright side, there was no where to go but up.

Sgt. Wilcoxen focused on the immediate needs of the troops, which included completing the COP itself. The layout was rearranged a bit, the final placement was made on concrete barriers for the walls, and time was even found to procure an new Army field kitchen so that the troops had “hots” (hot meals) to go with the “cots” (bunks). Various personnel issues were addressed, and in late July a MWR trailer was obtained that provided the troops with satellite internet for some computers, along with three internet phones.

With Sgt. Wilcoxen taking care of these issues, Captain Summers was free to concentrate on meeting the other challenges, in an equally creative manner. Lt. Col. Glaze states “Rob Summers took a different approach, using his reconnaissance background, taking time to collect data, intelligence, perspective, and history of the Sunni farmlands to our south. Most importantly of all, Rob Summers took the time to know the people of Radwaniyah. He built relationships.” Sgt. WIlcoxen notes that “There isn’t a person out in West Rasheed he doesn’t know or hasn’t seen personally, and there isn’t a house in our sector he has not been in.”

Just as Sgt. Wilcoxen finished the physical foundation that was COP Ellis, Capt. Summers built the foundation of knowledge, trust, and respect that fully brought the Anbar Awakening into West Rasheed. As others have noted, he was relentless in building that foundation, in solving problems, and in making things happen. With the mandate to make it work, and the freedom to find the right solution for this sector, the right approach for this particular AO was found. The resultant flip was profound.
