View Full Version : Awards on Civilian Attire

11-08-07, 09:35 PM
I am going to the birthday ball this weekend! What is the regulation for wearing ribbons, medals on a civilian suit?

11-08-07, 11:04 PM
I am going to the birthday ball this weekend! What is the regulation for wearing ribbons, medals on a civilian suit?

Real easy - go to this link http://www.marcorsyscom.usmc.mil/sites/mcub/. Look down the left side of the page under "frequently asked questions" (Allowances: Civilian Clothing). You'd have to have miniature medals and they'd have to be mounted in a way similar to full-sized medals/ribbons. Probably too late to have them mounted, but if you're close enough to a military base/PX (and still are allowed to purchase from the uniform shop), it's worth a try.

But, if all else fails, don't worry about the medals. Just tack on a Marine Corps lapel pin/flag and enjoy the cameraderie with your brother (and sister)devildogs. Just be sure to take along a challenge coin and some pictures (and a full stomach beforehand, since you'll be drinking so much, MADD will be stalking you.)

Happy Marine Corps Birthday!

Sgt gw:flag:

11-09-07, 09:06 AM
They now have mini ribbons you can buy here...http://www.usmedals.com/RibbonTypeMini.aspx