View Full Version : a place to call home

11-05-07, 12:54 PM
I'm new to this site, found by "accident". I work for an oilfield services company using what the Corps taught me about electronics. I am currently in school for promotional purposes with others from different countries,( Libya, Chad, Algeria, etc...) I was looking for pictures of Marines to describe the club of which I am a permanent member. Now I feel like I have a home online, and I can go there and recall things from my past. (Though it's not been all that long.... I got out in '96) Keep hard charging Marines and Happy birthday. Freedom has a flavor that those who have never fought for it have never tasted.

Some people go through life wondering if they ever made a difference. Marines don't have that problem. The honorable Ronald Reagan

2841/8531 Shoot, move, communicate
Cpl James Bolt

11-05-07, 01:05 PM
Welcome Aboard!

These Marines always keep me on my toes...;)

Don't listen to any rumors that I'm a troublemaker...I'm really an angel...


11-05-07, 04:23 PM
Welcome aboard, pawpaw It'll be great having a new face to kick around...LOL Oh yeah beer is in the fridge, have a couple...

11-05-07, 04:32 PM
Thanks for the beer Camper,, I believe I'll sit down and have a few and regale in some tales. So far, I've been reading some of the DI sayings and remembering those days. Good times!!! The hardest yet the funniest time of my life. I tell my kids that the Boot Camp graduation was only 3 months in coming but meant more to me than graduating high school which took 13 years to get to. My youngest boy is 16 and he's already going to go into the Marines!!! OOORRRAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

11-05-07, 09:03 PM
Welcome aboard!