View Full Version : 2 G.I.'s Safe After 7 Days Stranded in the Sands

03-31-03, 07:04 AM

Our brother Marines rescue 2 Army soldiers 'forgotten' by their NCO. The Army is really going to owe us big time before its all over!

Sgt Sostand
03-31-03, 12:36 PM
That was a big mistake by their NCOs

Super Dave
03-31-03, 01:21 PM
Just like always..Marines fixing Army mistakes...

03-31-03, 01:23 PM
The first thing you learn as a NCO is to take care of your people. Misplacing two of them is unforgivable.

Semper Fi Mac

03-31-03, 02:50 PM
The wife of one the rescued GIs is a pregnant Army PFC. When CNN asked her how exactly they got lost, she got very vague on that point. Her child will have a Daddy thanks to us! (they better send us Christmas cards!)