View Full Version : Top Military Officials are a Disgrace to Those They Lead

09-27-07, 08:24 AM
Top Military Officials are a Disgrace to Those They Lead <br />
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007 <br />
By Col. David Hunt <br />
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Our generals are betraying our soldiers … again <br />
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Sorry, but I have to get your...

Gary Hall
09-30-07, 08:06 PM
Life experiences (this is always considered anecdotal by the "intelligent ones" & therefore disparage anything being anecdotal as undeserving) lead me to agree with the thread. With managers running anything, the result is Robert McNamara with his Ford Edsel and I still remember his arrogance in Congress when he stated how with his Whiz Kids he was gonna show 'em how to run Viet Nam. Pull the tapes and check it out, don't take this PFC's word for it. LBJ was another Manager. I praise the Lord that in my time managers had not taken over running combat operations, at least that's the way I remember it. Combat operations were run by leaders, on the scene. Ike usually wore about 5 ribbons (ribbons, not rows), I never saw anybody so dresssed up with ribbons and badges, everywhere on the uniform except on the seat of the britches, until the "Intelligent Ones" and Managers took over and stopped the idea of winning. Along came "Political Correctness". I hope I live to see the day that despicable concept is totally expunged from the English Language. Chesty, I'm sure as Hell thankful I worked for you in the important job as Pack Mule in W-3-1, I'll always appreciate the experience more than anything I've done since. Thanks for the Thread and comments. Gary Hall 633178 W-3-1, 1950 - 51, now surveyed and junked out at Tyler, TX. Have a nice day and let's have a safety meeting, before we do anything, please pass the grits.