View Full Version : Anybody else worried ???

03-23-03, 06:50 PM
Are we being ALLOWED to bypass areas, without resistance??

Some reports I've heard have 12 divisions un-accounted for. Have they (12 divisions, come on now) thrown in the towel, or are they in bunkers, waiting for us to get ahead of them??

Is anybody thinking of this desert as a 'jungle' with out trees??

I think it time for some 'tunnel rats' and break out the MOAB. Lets see....

Cruise missels to clear the top, a couple of bunker busters to get into the basement, then a MOAB set for delay fuse. :D

03-23-03, 06:58 PM
That works for me.

Art Petersn
03-23-03, 07:07 PM
We are all ready starting to pay for the by passing

03-23-03, 08:49 PM
I think I understand the by passing , momentum . Kind of like going around New Guina in WW2. Excellent !

Semper Fi

Sgt Sostand
03-23-03, 10:17 PM
i dont think they want to get MOAB carpet bomb their a**

03-24-03, 07:46 AM
They've (Iraq) had 12 years, or more, to set up for this. Are their tunnels running from town to town?

Reports of HEAVY resistance and firefights, then we get up there and there are only 5 or 6 troops in the bunker, or building. Come on.... something is wrong here.

Get on the P.A. system, leaflets, what ever. Spread the word...


We watch who leaves, shake them down (in a protected area) and send them South. Then, it's 'OPERATION ROLLING THUNDER" all over again.

I don't think we'll see SINCERE surrender, till we take the gloves off, and THEY start spreading the word that we mean buisness.

But, then I'm not a rocket scientest, so what do I know !!!


03-24-03, 09:50 AM
Some of the reports (speculation?) are that the Republican Guard is intergrated with the regular army and the armed civilians. Evidently they are there to force resistance - fight the Americans or I kill you now. I just wonder how many of these 'dedicated' troops they have in the other units. Seems to me that 10 - 50 could overpower 1, then they could surrender and get on with life. Easier on them and us. I'm also wondering why we haven't jammed his communications and media while our info that we send over the radio does get jammed. Ya'd think we'd do something about that!

It's too bad the president and the generals have tied their hands (somewhat) with the idea of minimum civilian casualties. I say use firebombs around Baghdad (where many Republican Guard are reported to be dug in) - make a ring of fire. - for those of you that remember napalm, firebombs are basically the same thing, only it's more stable and works better. Genieva made the use of napalm illegal - so we made it safer and more deadly then renamed it - guess that makes it legal.

My wife keeps wanting to see Baghdad turned to rubble. Been tough explaining to her how this operation is supposed to be working and the problems they are finding with it. To which she says, 'so what? bomb 'em' LOL gotta love it!

I think our military is learning as it goes - unfortunately that can mean loss of life - and adapting to the situation.